Container Gardening

How to display garden pots in your garden, terrace or patio

Tips on how to arrange your garden pots and planters from a beautiful private garden. Garden pots can fill gaps in your border, add colour to your backyard, terrace or patio, frame doors and pathways and allow you to grow difficult plants easily. Plus tips on potscaping, or the art of arranging pots in groups.

Diane and Robbie Perry’s garden can also be seen in winter, in How to Use Easy Topiary Shapes for a Beautiful Garden:

More container gardening ideas here:

For garden ideas, gardening advice, garden design and landscaping ideas for your garden or backyard, subscribe to the Middlesized Garden YouTube channel here:

Whether you love English garden style, cottage gardens or contemporary urban gardening, The Middlesized Garden has gardening advice and garden ideas for you.

Weekly videos cover gardening advice and garden design – from small space gardens to middle-sized garden landscaping – plus garden tours and tips for container gardening.

The Middlesized Garden practices sustainability, wildlife gardening and no till methods. If your garden backyard is smaller than an acre, join us and enjoy your garden even more!
The Middlesized Garden Complete Guide to Garden Privacy is available in Kindle or paperback in 13 countries (in English only). If you’d like your garden to feel more private, click here for availability in your country:

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For small and middlesized backyards and gardens….
See The Middlesized Garden blog:

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Note: links to Amazon are affiliate which means I get a small fee for qualifying purchases. It doesn’t affect the price you pay and I only recommend things I use myself or really think you’d like!

More garden ideas on Pinterest:


  1. Needs a health warning- pots are addictive! We decided to limit ourselves to a small number of large pots for awkward areas when we moved here. A year later and there are perhaps fifty in various locations around the garden, and another dozen hidden away behind the shed waiting for them to spring into life and be rotated with those starting to go over. We keep a small supply of bedding plants on hand to fill any gaps or replace anything that gets eaten, and have sometimes resorted to placing pots in pots, just to fill a hole until other plants get large enough.

    For potscapes we find lightweight concrete blocks are useful for raising the height of the rear pots and creating a cascade effect. The are easy to handle, cheap to buy, and unobtrusive.

  2. I have actually edited my pots I had so many. While they did serve a purpose, for ease I have really limited them the constant worry of watering to keep them alive. Yes years ago I did lots of them but times change.

  3. I'm another 70 plus gardener who's trying to figure out what I can do. In my case, sciatica has reduced my ability to haul large bags of mulch, plant trees, and move large pots. Fortunately, I have found a service in my neighborhood staffed by young gardeners. I love the idea of inserting pots for blank spots.

  4. I found this episode very interesting as I love pots.
    On a personal note Alexandra I love how you do interviews by asking a question and then give the person a chance to respond without interruption.
    So different to the American way.🤣

  5. Hi Alexander, just when I think our gardener's friend have covered just about every subject, then there is a new topic. I love garden pots, whether it is the large Grecian pots like we saw or the various garden pots. I am so pleased to see your guest has incorporated those cement pots into the borders. Garden pots are such treasures, they come and go just like a fashion show, today it is glazed ceramic, then it's earthen clay, and so on, they all serve the same purpose! I found some plants do better straight into the garden than planted up in pots. I want to protect some bulbs as they can be quite pricy, and go for the pots but after a season they are better suited planted out. The red geraniums planted in the oversized cement pot is absolutely stunning. It is a lovely garden talk, and I am sure many viewers are going to be inspired. Until next time, Elize

  6. Just coming back to this video after a while to get some more ideas and inspiration. These are great ideas, and I see you have a few more videos. I'll check them out next. Thank you!

  7. Such a great video, I had to watch it twice. And I love all the ideas and tips that are sprinkled throughout the comments. I'm learning so much!

  8. Agapanthus are considered weeds in Australia – although a lot of people still plant them here. I'd be interested in your take on the impact of introduced plants to places like Oz etc. I think nowadays it is really important that we don't encourage further planting of such species. Especially as we need plants that support native wildlife.

  9. I am missing my garden this year. I only have a patio. Container gardening is available for me. I am so grateful for this video for inspiration to continue to have lovely flowers and vegetables

  10. How do you handle water drainage from the pots near front door? The water leaves nasty water marks. Any suggestions for that?

  11. So glad I found your channel. I'm very new to this so not very good. Can you recommend some outdoor flowers for small pots, my garden is extremely small. Any help is gratefully appreciated 🙏

  12. I so love this video and how interesting the questions and answers. She has done an awesome job of placing and filling her pots. She definitely has a knack for that. I like to return and watch this over again. Pot mania. So funny and I can relate.

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