Backyard Garden

6 Low-Maintenance Perennial Herbs For A Beginner Backyard Garden

Some of the easiest culinary herbs to grow are long-lived perennial herbs! These low-maintenance edible garden (kitchen garden) plants come back year after year. While some backyard herbs die back completely in the autumn cold, these ones will sprout right back up in the spring!

Some perennial herbs are easy to grow from seeds, but others must be purchased as baby plants to get the true culinary form. Let’s look at how to grow each of these long-lived herb plants so you can get your perennial herb garden up and running.

🌱 Links To Where To Buy These Perennial Herbs (some links below are affiliate links) 🌱

Chives – Heirloom Organic Chive Seeds –
Oregano – True Greek Oregano Seeds –
Rosemary – Rosemary Seeds & Plants –
Tarragon – French Tarragon Plants –
Sage – Culinary Sage Seeds –
Peppermint – True Peppermint Plants –

Which perennial herbs do you like growing? Which ones do you hope to grow in the future? Leave me a comment below!

#herbgarden #perennials #culinarygarden

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Mary Jane Duford of HOME FOR THE HARVEST loves learning to garden and bringing you along with the process!

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  1. I had no idea tarragon was a perennial! Love it with chicken or salmon. Sage is one of my favorites. What a difference a few herbs make to a dish, and to think we can have them coming back year after year!

  2. I have chives started from seed, no experience growing herb and Dill was a failure. Looking at different plants around our homestead for our honeybees because some essential oils are beneficial or deterrents for pests.

  3. I always have cold sores outbreaks when on my periods and they were very terrible, when I went for test the doctor said I had HPV virus. I just want to share a brief testimony of how Dr Ben Uda on YouTube completely cured me from HPV virus with his natural medicine..

  4. So happy to be free from blocked fallopian tubes after using Dr. Odion's herbal remedies. I wish anyone who is looking for a way to get rid of their sexually transmitted diseases to click on the link and subscribe to Dr. Odion's YouTube channel to know more about his effective herbal treatment. because it also cures all kinds of diseases with its herbal treatment.

  5. I have been cured permanently off genital herpes HSV 2 with #dritua on YouTube natural roots and herbs product that get rid of the virus just within 2weeks of usage

  6. Well that’s good I have some of the herbs but I want my peppermint to take over lol 😆

  7. Im in zone 5 northeast Wisconsin and have been growing chives in a plastic pot on my deck for at least 5 years! Same plant or maybe it just reseeds itself. Have you had any luck growing potted mint? Behind my garden, has gone to weeds (used to be lawn, but a brick pile got in the way of mowing, so practically have a “forest” of mint growing! I must battle and kill it before it overtakes my yard & the world next! Haha. How do i over winter mint in a pot, as I have tried on the deck in a pot and it freezes out and dies. Anyone have ideas/tips?

  8. Rosemary sometimes dies for me in zone 6a. I found out last year how to propagate my own Rosemary plants as I wanted several around the garden for protection. I bought a grocery store plant and cut the little sprigs off just before it got woody. Each cutting needs at least 3 sets of leaves. Strip the bottom set of leaves from the cutting and stick the stem in some light starting soil or soil heavy with vermiculite. I did this in 1 inch seed starting pots and kept it watered when needed and under a grow light. After about 3-4 weeks I could tell they had rooted. When I saw leaves growing well I up potted them in 2 1/2 inch pots and let them grow until I could put them outside. This was very easy and I think I only had 1 failure with at least 10 starts or more. It was lots of fun. This might also work in an egg carton if holes are poked in it for drainage and use the carton top as the tray to catch water. Put it in a sunny window. I’m going to take sprigs from Rosemary in my garden and do it again this year.

  9. I used to have a couple happy little chive plants. They fit the bill nicely, zero maintenance, and they stayed within their tight area. No thinning, no deadheading such a great addition to the garden. Well, last winter we had large amounts of snow accumulation along with higher than average precipitation this Spring and Summer. I now have a chive garden, it looked quite stunning with all them in bloom. But now, it is a huge mound of green that has to be thinned out drastically.

  10. loved the video but being from outside the U S A the H in HERB is not silent. Bit of a pet peeve of mine. Enjoyed & found helpful.

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