Container Gardening


Many people who retire live in less than perfect situations and sometimes it is just not possible to have a full garden. That is my situation, however, I grow a lot of vegetables and fruit in containers. I show you how to source containers for little to no money and what to put into those containers to ensure you have happy healthy plants. The goal of growing your own food is not necessarily to save money. However, these days it certainly can save you a lot! For me though, it is more about knowing where my food comes from and ensuring it won’t be recalled somewhere down the road. I would rather have fresh delicious food grown right at my front door than trust something imported from who knows where.

Gardening is also a great past time for retirees who maybe used to have a large garden but have now downsized and what to plant in containers.

Plant food suggestion:


  1. Good video. You might enjoy you tuber “Robbie and Gary gardening”. They’re in southern CA, but they grow tons of stuff in tubs etc.

  2. Because I have hard clay and a yard that was planted in Bermuda grass, the only way I can have a garden is in containers that I have elevated on bricks. I have lots of herbs, flowers to attract pollinators who are super important in gardens, and several veggies. I also make my plant food and compost.

  3. I’m a huge fan of Robbie and Gary…in process of buying those tubs, and plants, plus some potatoes, sweet and russets…❤️❤️❤️…Also making the solar bird fountains 🥰🥰🥰

  4. I love this video! Bought a new house a few months ago which had no plants. So love all these ideas & would like to see the water drip system you do with your plants.

  5. I would definitely love to see your drip system. I always look forward to your new posts. Very informative. Thank you!

  6. This is really good! I would love to see a video on how to set up a simple watering system, Dee. 🌿 There is also a good Aussie gardener-YouTuber called Self Sufficient Me who uses raised garden beds—might be of interest to some viewers who have the room for those? 🤔

  7. That plane flying over – hysterical …. OMG. I gave up trying to grow tomatoes – they always drown in Western Washington. Now in my apartment my balcony only gets about 5 hours of direct sunshine … so I have done lavender and Hosta's. My Strawberries from last year ended up the size of a blueberry? I lived in Santa Fe NM too – I don't know how anyone can grow anything there … too hot or too cold or the monsoons destroy your plants ….

  8. Love this Dee, thank you! Been wanting to start doing this in my garden here in the UK for a long while 👍💜🇬🇧

  9. Dee, you're a girl after my own heart. The ideas for containers to hold dirt … good grief. Brilliant. The Amish live by "USE IT UP, WEAR IT OUT, MAKE DO OR DO WITHOUT" … Thanks to this video, I'm looking at everything differently around here. Love it. You're an inspiration, kid. Thank you much.

  10. AND, 🤩 YES, please teach us about your easy drip system. NEEDED. Everything you discuss on your channel touches a need out here. Thank you.

  11. Dee, I really enjoy your videos. They are relevant to what I am interested in. The drip system would be great know, if it helps to grow plants. I am sure it does!
    Also to see your process of planting from start to finish would be a great learning tool.
    I hope Gracie wiggles liked did as a small puppy!

  12. Just go to your local bakery or bakery section of your grocery store ask for 5 or 3 gallon buckets. Got several for FREE so go ahead and ask, worse case thet may charge you a buck or two for each.

  13. Great video Dee! Would love to see more gardening videos and info about your drip irrigation system. Yes to a greens video! This is my first year gardening which means I am constantly looking for info.

  14. You can also plant in cloth grow bags or shopping bags. Pretty inexpensive. I planted potatoes in mine this year. Thanks for doing your videos, we’re looking at retirement next year.

  15. Thank you for the information. I would like to know more about gardening tips as I'm moving to northern California (Clearlake ) which is at a higher elevation and would like to start a garden.

  16. New subscriber and thank you for the tips in container gardening. This is my second year and have watched several gardening channels. You did very well in providing information inspite of the traffic behind you.

  17. Thanks so much for this video. I have one small suggestion, you can drill drainage holes on the sides of the buckets and if the bottoms are on the ground they will still drain.

  18. Honestly the traffic noise is not that bad on the video because your voice iis very clear. Love your videos! You're so smart!

  19. Do you have any experience with Honeysuckle bushes? I thought mine was dead so planted some onion in that area but it is thriving now but smells like B.O.. I think bc of the onion that never did well there either but every year a few stalks come up. Ut as much Honeysuckly as I have the entire yard should smell sweet but doesn't. Any thoughts?

  20. Yes Dee, I for one would definitely want to see more about gardening. I just started one this year and just learning. I have a container garden too and just winging it right now! Have lots to learn and would love any tips you might have plus on indoor gardening. I got me some micro greens that I also plan to grow indoors. Thanks for the vid!

  21. Yes! I want to see more of your garden videos, especially about growing lettuce in your home. We eat spinach year around and would love to have our own home grown in the winter. The drip system sounds interesting too.

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