Backyard Garden

Landscaping Tips for Backyard Privacy

It’s unfortunate that we can’t control the spaces surrounding our properties. And while we may have enjoyed years of a beautiful backyard sanctuary, one remodel project from our next door neighbor can leave us feeling like our outdoor spaces are ruined. Prevent noisy, nosy neighbors from ruining the peace and privacy of your backyard.

Links mentioned:
Ingenious ways to regain privacy from second story neighbors:

🌷Helping you create a vibrant, manageable 4-season landscape that is uniquely you.🌷

I’m Amy and I help home gardeners design impressively beautiful gardens that bring color to your landscape all four seasons, show off your personality and suit your lifestyle.

3 Gardening Secrets Revealed (Free Training):
Free Plant Pairing Guide:


  1. I was wondering….Did you hear someone say, when you pulled up the first set of solutions pictures and began with the "fence on top of a fence" pic? Tell me you heard someone say out of nowhere.. "YUP! THAT'S WHAT I WAS THINKING, RIIIIIIGHT THERE, PRETTY PURPLE DOOR!." If you did, THAT WAS MEEEEE!!!! LOL
    I happen to have really great neighbors but unfortunately, they have an above ground pool and a very long deck that sits RIGHT UP BESIDE MY FENCE which of course means I have 0, and I do mean, 0 privacy, 100% of the time! I literally see people walking, sitting in chairs, and yes, kids & adults, peering into my yard ALL THE TIME! I lost my mom recently (🤗😇💔) & one of her most aggravating things about our house was the fact that she didn't feel she had any privacy, to the point of never wanting to go outside in the backyard! I tried and tried but, she'd refuse to go out there. I understood why. I'm now looking for something that won't cost an arm and a leg to put up but one of my concerns IS the code for how high I can have something like a trellis. It's obvious that my neighbors have gone above that height but I don't want to build something and then when I go to sell, get flack from the county for having put it up! Boy, oh boy, OH BOY! I thought some sort of evergreen as well but my yard is so narrow, I wouldn't really know what would be appropriate for the space! My research continues! Anywhodal, thanks for the video & for confirming my two ideas!

  2. It depends on the neighbors. If they are friendly and a once in a while small talk conservation is ok. If they ask questions all the time, peeping over for no reason, or think your yard should be like theirs getting bossy is not acceptable.

  3. 0:10. – No, in Europe and Australia & Canada, when a person sells a house without disclosing to the purchaser, any and all communications they've had about neighnout noise or other neighbour disturbance, the purchaser may cancel the dale it she the seller for not disclosing those facts.
    My neighbour disturbed me and when he sells his house he'll have to disclose he was fined be the City (London) for disturbing me twice.
    Will only be able to sell after he puts in sound insulation at his expense. Have A Nice Day !

  4. That's nothing. My neighbours have their kitchen and kitchen door upstairs, looking out directly over my garden, next to their bathroom. I can hear when they gargle while brushing teeth, lol. I lined the garden wall adjacent to them with a thick (clumping) bamboo hedge and planted trees (willow, powder puff) and will probably put a water feature.

  5. I don’t know what her regulations are but in ours, also the PNW the fence must not be higher than 10ft from the ground… could literally build up your ground and then have a fence on top. That’s what some neighbors did to their home and although the nosy neighbors got extremely pissed….well sucks to be them.

  6. our neighbor planted forysthia (a long row of them) right when we bought our property. unfortunately, they straddle the line with some root balls being on our side. we have for 16 yrs tried to find common ground, with us doing most of the pruning. the way these grow is in a massive vase shape, so they are really a horrible plant if you want to maintain a straight hedge. the amount of cutting & brush was huge for us every year. about 13 yrs ago they put in tall deer fencing and now their shrubs & wire fencing are covered in all the vines. was a nightmare. they claimed it was us not doing "enough" maintenance (or doing it incorrectly, according to them). they engulfed a good 5' feet of yard, killed all our grass. then about 3-4 yrs ago, they started cutting the height super low and we lost all our privacy on the deck (the width was still apparently our job). i just couldn't keep up with the work and constant battle of vines (and not being able to access them)

    finally last fall, we put in a fence, and honestly i couldn't be happier. we told them (not asked) we were putting in a fence, and now their shrubs/ vines (what's left of the poor forysthia) are now their problem. not ours anymore.

  7. Nellie Stevens holly tree/shrub is green year round. It has red berries that birds eat in the winter. And make great privacy walls

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