Vegetable Gardening

Vegetable Gardening : Home Remedy for Flies on Vegetable Plants

Any decaying matter in or around vegetable plants will attract flies, but spraying a peppermint-oil solution, along with strategic planting of companion herbs, can prove an effective home remedy for this annoying problem. Shoo those flies away with the aid of this free video on vegetable gardening.

Expert: Ali Reynolds
Bio: Ali Reynolds owns and operates a small organic nursery. She has a master gardener’s certificate as well as a landscape and gardening certificate, and has gardened for more than 35 years.
Filmmaker: Mike Phillips

Series Description: If you love fresh vegetables, gardening in general or just want a fun and rewarding new hobby, your green thumb will blossom with the aid of these vegetable gardening tips. Learn the secrets of vegetable gardening from a professional instructor in this free video series.


  1. Nice video! These products are very helpful on protecting our plants from insect. I will try it and if I found out that it is good, then I will be thankful and probably recommend this to all my friends. Thank you for the ideas! 

  2. My tomatoes died after I sprayed them with dish soap & water, the back of the leaves went brown and slowly died…it was w5 dishsoap

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    #7 (タイトルなし). Don't know if you were hacked, or the URL/registration expired.

  4. You said files normally don't like herbs, I have basil and oregano plants and the files and gnats are crazy about them, they are always on them or in their soil, so which or what kind of herbs are you talking about so I may try them.

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