
10 tips for a beginner gardener

Here’s 10 tips for the beginner gardener. If you’re wondering how to start a garden then here’s some ideas on where to begin.


  1. Some brilliant tips there Dan. It’s definitely good to see what other people are growing. I think it’s always a bit of trial and error with selecting plants that suit your soil. Sometimes best to select ones that suit any soil. Agree about visiting a show. Can’t wait for Malvern. We’ll be there on the Sunday so would be great to catch up with you then . Take care. Nick

  2. Some great things to know and revisit. If you don't mind I'd like to add to them from my mistakes.

    The compost pile needs to be in the sun, especially in winter.

    You're so right that amending the soil is paramount. If you have to buy compost, what they don't tell you is that some of it has nutrients and some doesn't, but will only break up the clay. Don't know why anyone would want the latter. Sand is also great to aerate soil.

    Finally, pay attention to group plants with the same water needs. Xeri vs tropical. 😅 Some things seem so obvious, but when you fall in love with a plant in a garden or greenhouse and know right where it would fit in, think again.

    Thanks, Dan, for sharing your lovely garden, ideas, and encouragement. And of course, peeks of the curly haired one. 🤗🤗. Apple from your tree? Gin

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