Backyard Garden

Amazing nature garden landscaping timelapse. 10 weeks in 10mins + walk around

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It seems people think that the rain runs off the roof into the neighbour’s garden – it doesn’t, it just looks like it does.

Transforming a boring sloped garden into a beautiful nature garden with two ponds connected by a stream, hardy Jurassic style planting and a purpose built ‘Shrek House’.

March to May 2019.

Credit: Music by


  1. Still look messy though. Yes its better than before for the looks but it will end up messy like before.

  2. Really looking great. Am I the only one wondering if the neighbour hates the rain pouring in to their yard from the shed roof?? Shouldn't there be some gutters there,?…I mean…

  3. I would have thought certainly one side of the fence be faced the other way, perhaps the back side as well. The posts need some caps to run off water or they’ll rot quicker. Technically you can your face your fence how you like, it’s etiquette to give one of your neighbours a better looking side. Either the left or the right side should normally belong to your neighbour. It’s just polite to do so.

  4. Sorry guys, I understand you spent time and money, but too many stones for such a tiny yard. You did unnecessary waterfall for your neighbours to the right, and you have piled a huge amount of soil and stone on the thin boards on the left so that they will soon rot and your whole valley of stones will fall right on the neighbors on the left. Little shed with sofa is really very strange construction. In general, so-so design.

  5. "Nature garden" LOL! They had to lay down a giant sheet of plastic, install an electric pump, keep this thing stocked with water, and probably have to drain it in the winter, all because they were PREVENTING nature from having any say in whether a pond and river should be here. There's nothing natural about this.

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