Garden Design

Garden Design

Design: In this stream, understand the intelligence and nuance that went into the creation and construction of Mirai. Explore the concepts of outdoor rooms, landscape unification, and creating a garden that will give you decades of enjoyment.

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  1. it is all very Beautiful — but what is it About to add a transcendental Feeling. a hut, a shed of the gods, the beings of the sublime nature.

  2. The most beautiful, interesting Bonsai presentation, with rich, professionals details. The way the video flows and present alone show the best quality of producer.

    Breathtaking, inspirational!

  3. When you design your own garden, there are no rules. Creating something beautiful is a expression of yourself and your own imagination. Dont limit yourself but what rules people out as to how to design

  4. This is such an invaluable insight in to what motivates garden design. Being 2020 and having recently listened to an asymmetry podcast with a couple of guys I wonder if Ryan's steal feeling so positive about the humidity those firs are providing. Such an inspirational video never the less.

  5. Such a corporate approach to something that's supposed to be a fusion of nature and art

  6. Wow. ❤️❤️❤️what great design an explanation. I think you are one of the best BONSAI CREATORS. You are awesome super super awesome. No word. Thank you very much for share your knowledge with the people. ❤️❤️❤️

  7. Ryan I am Renu Vaish from India, also doing bonsai for a long time. But you are just too amazing, love the way you have designed your heavenly space! Also love your critique programmes on bonsai. I hope you can visit India! Would love to show you my work which now seems like baby steps.

  8. I really enjoyed the virtual tour and the description on the creation of the garden and nursery. I plan to visit on my next trip to Oregon. Thanks for the inspiration!

  9. The short bit about the perfect water quality being native to the site, is amazing. I live in a Canadian city and although the water is very clean, you can smell the chlorine/flouride etc. Pretty sure its not ideal

  10. I have a question regarding my Balsam fir, it is hard to find bonsai material to work from. I have one and I dont know what to do with it

  11. Yeah give me a couple of millions and I’m sure to design a nice garden. Money can solve almost any problem lol 😂

  12. Amazing video! I loved how deep you went into the thought process of designing the garden. I love hearing about the artistic work that goes into a garden and you presented that flawlessly. Thank you for sharing it with us!

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