Japanese Garden

Reviewing the Nisaku Nejiri Gama weed hoe, weeding without chemicals

Testing the Nisaku nejiri gama Japanese gardening weeding hoe to see if will do a better job removing weeds from my mulched playground without spraying herbicide chemicals like RoundUp. Affiliate link https://amzn.to/3tcA7Qd

The Nisaku nejiri gama uses an angled sharpened stainless steel knife-like head to slice through the weeds. In testing, I found it worked better than a rake or a head in my mulched areas by cutting through the roots instead of just scraping the weeds.

In the reviews I read the biggest complaint seemed to be the handle being too short. I didn’t find it uncomfortable as a taller person at 6’4″, but it is about 15″ shorter than a normal typical rake would be.


  1. How could you use Roundup ANYWHERE around your kids…please research that stuff. It's banned in every country that has sense. Nice tool.

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