Container Gardening

Planting an Herb and Flower Container Garden – Family Plot

Tipton County Extension agent Joellen Dimond shows how to plant a herb and flower container garden. She starts by using soil moist crystals which trap water and slowly release it back into the soil. This extra water makes it so you do not need to water as often. Then she plants the herbs. The rosemary and chives are perennials and will grow larger. The parsley is a biannual and will need to be replanted in two years. All of them are planted at the same depth as the pot. Then Joellen plants the flowers around the herbs. She uses marigolds with yellow flowers and vinca what will have read flowers. She picked them for their complementing colors with the green foliage of the herbs.

Click below for more on container gardens and other gardening topics:
Planting a Container Flower Garden:
Companion Planting:
Arranging Grocery Store Flowers:

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