Vegetable Gardening

Advanced Vegetable Gardening & Self Sufficiency (Homesteading)

This is a 4 week online course from MyGardenSchool. If you would like to enroll or get further information please see

Once you’ve got the veg-growing bug, you’ll itch to grow more and more. You want the superb flavours and just-picked, no-chemicals freshness of home-grown for everything, from your breakfast fruit to your kids’ tea, all year round. This is the online vegetable growing course that shows you how to do just that.

I’ve been feeding my family from my veg garden for nearly 20 years, piling our plates high with floury potatoes, richly-flavoured greens and crisp salads from January to December. In this course I’ll pass on my first-hand experience of self-sufficiency to you, along with tips to help you take your veg growing to the next level.


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