Front Yard Garden

Balancing front yard landscape with uncentered walkway (asymmetrical balance)

In this consult, Judy asks… “What if you have a path going through your garden separating it into two garden beds with one bed being twice as large as the other? Do you try to equal it out with just less plants?”

This is definitely an issue related to asymmetrical balance in the landscape and with a few small tricks you can learn how to balance two different sized garden beds and simultaneously guide people towards the entrance of your home.

The trick is to determine the weight of each plant. Darker shrubs are heavier in weight than lighter ones. Dense shrubs are heavier than sparce, open shrubs. Lots of little shrubs can equal the weight of a very large shrub too!

Learn more about designing an asymmetrical landscape here:

🌷Helping you create a vibrant, manageable 4-season landscape that is uniquely you.🌷

I’m Amy and I help home gardeners design impressively beautiful gardens that bring color to your landscape all four seasons, show off your personality and suit your lifestyle.

3 Gardening Secrets Revealed (Free Training):
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  1. You have great advice, except the camellia color issue. I grew up with these older camellias, you won't see them bloom the same as the maple has color. These camellias bloom mid winter when the maple has no leaves. You will see the coral bark, but the camellia will be close to that color. But you have really good ideas and if there was an azalea or rhody, they would need to go with the maple. Also, camellias do take pruning and even shaping like espalier, cutting it carefully in half or limbing it up so the trunks showed would work well. Too bad they sent in a camellia, because you know other plants well.

  2. You have great ideas! The only problem is that being and older camellia type it only blooms when the maple has no leaves. It won't clash. It can even be pruned down and/or limbed up to show the trunk. Everything else is great info. thanks!

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