Front Yard Garden

Front Lawn Garden: Food Production So Beautiful!

This is a special “off the farm” episode where we go into the wild suburban neighborhoods to explore how one unique couple has beautifully hidden in their front lawn a food production space. Follow along as Todd and Candes tell their story…

How to turn a front yard into a garden? How to grow food in the front yard? Grow food in the front lawn.


#growreallife is my hashtag to connect people interested in Growing Real Life. This is a bit of a double meaning. Growing Real means following the patterns of nature. Real Life is developed fully in our gardens and our souls when we pattern ourselves in harmony with nature. Grow with me.



  1. Every home should have a vegetable garden space start small just a couple of cherry tomatoes in containers.

  2. Progressive horticulture.
    Much more interesting than a generic lawn with a tree. I also heard a nice 🐦 bird. ✌

  3. I really hope the HOA where I'm buying a house soon does not force us to remove the front yard plants we have planned, similar to these.

  4. It was worth watching just to learn about that four way apple tree. I didn't know things like that were possible.

  5. Please tell me where I can purchase chocolate mint. My Dad grew this and I have not been able to find it to plant. Thank you!

  6. A dynamic view on the front yard. Too bad so many communities have turf requirements.

  7. I love your yard so much! Very thoughtful, practical, interesting, and beautiful. It seems like 95% of front yards are SO unoriginal and boring. Grass, non-native boxwood, a couple of species of flowers — yaaaaaaawn. I would be that person to slow down and take pictures and gawk at a yard like that. Well done.

  8. I've enjoyed this video, thank you. I believe edible plants look great mixed with ornamentals and you have less pests and more beneficial insects and pollinators growing this way. It's amazing how much we can produce in a small space once we get the gardening bug.

  9. I'm sure you already know this so excuse me if I am being obvious, don't prune you determinant tomatoes. You will greatly reduce your yield by pruning. Just leave them be. Less work for you! 🙂

  10. they just wasted so much space and doesn't look good at all. i believe they never learned about geometry garden look so curly

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