Garden Plans

Houston Botanic Garden plans anger residents

Neighbors in southeast Houston say their protests about the Houston Botanic Garden are being ignored by Houston City Councilmember Robert Gallegos.


  1. People of all economic backgrounds find ways to pay for things that are important to them, whether it’s the latest iPhone or tickets to a Texans game. No one is excluded from access. It’s ridiculous to label this new botanical gardens an exclusive “playground for the rich”. Maybe it will be exclusive to those that care to conserve and maintain a small plot of nature’s pristine beauty rather than allowing the area to rot like so many neglected, littered, and deteriorating “free access” neighborhoods in Houston.

  2. Undisturbed by human beings, nature will always fall back on its capacity to self-regulate and self-maintain. Cities, as unnatural habitats, will always be under the assault of human use, abuse, and neglect. The only way that an “untouched” piece of nature is capable of coexisting in a human dominated environment is for it to be unnaturally protected by some humans from ruinous effects of other humans. That calls for a conservation plan that only money or volunteerism can sustain.

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