Garden Design

A garden designers stunning coastal garden | Garden Design and Inspiration | Gardening Australia

Millie is visiting a coastal property overlooking the Bass Straight to see a garden created by garden designer, horticulturist and revegetation expert Jo Ferguson. Subscribe 🔔

Key Features:
One of the questions Jo and her family asked in planning the garden is ‘what will make your heart sing’. For Jo it was walking barefoot on sand, so she used gravel paths to create a coastal feel and suppress weeds.
Seeing wind blow through ornamental grasses – and the sunshine through them – is another favourite aspect. Jo ensured there is a colourful outlook from the kitchen window.
With sweeping views over the coast, the garden uses the borrowed landscape to create long vistas over hazy, colourful perennial borders.
Parts of the garden are very exposed and windswept, so plants must be tough.
Two mature olive trees are 80 years old and lend some gravitas to the newish garden – they were transplanted from South Australia.
A curved wall built from terracotta pipes forms a sheltered area off the teenage children’s rooms, providing a haven for barbecues or just relaxing.
There is a native grassland area featuring plume grass. “This is where my heart lies,” says Jo.
When designing for other people, Jo tries to reflect their memories and personality.

Featured Plants:
COASTAL BANKSIA – Banksia integrifolia
OLIVE – Olea europaea cv.*
LONG-HAIR PLUME-GRASS – Dichelachne crinita
SHOWY PODOLEPIS – Podolepis jaceoides
PAPER DAISY – Xerochrysum ‘Lemon Monarch’
* (Check before planting: this may be an environmental weed in your area)

Filmed on Boon Wurrung & Bunurong Country | Flinders, Vic

Gardening Australia is an ABC TV program providing gardening know-how and inspiration. Presented by Australia’s leading horticultural experts, Gardening Australia is a valuable resource to all gardeners through the television program, the magazine, books, DVDs and extensive online content.

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  1. Always enjoy Millie's segments. Creating a garden that appears as though it has formed naturally into a serendipitous, magical place has my admiration. Love it.

  2. ❤️ 0:40 it's all about the feeling … what makes my heart sing …
    that's gonna be my new mantra to life …
    design my life around this insight …

    " We Sing not bcos we are Happy ,
    We are Happy bcos we Sing " – William James

    let's all Sing … start designing our own life's …can start with the garden ofc 😆

  3. So beautiful, abundant, wild. Getting to the kernel of awe and love of plants including childhood plants. I love to feel my garden through my feet too.

  4. I just loved her garden – the color pallete is so calming and beautiful! The view from her kitchen, to name one.

  5. just so beautiful and a special place. I love how she walks barefoot through the garden feeling the earth. 😊

  6. I couldn't quite hear where one would,if one was inclined to aquire Aussie seeds,great garden,cheers

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