Container Gardening

Balcony Garden Vegetable Tour. Container Garden Tour

Here is my Balcony Garden Vegetable Tour October 2021. My Container Garden Tour is an Edible Garden Tour of my Balcony Garden Vegetables are easy to grow. In this video I take you around my balcony garden and show you my container vegetable garden. This small space vegetable tour is an example of urban gardening. I show you an array of balcony garden fruit and vegetables. This container garden tour includes a look at my balcony garden tomatoes and balcony garden peppers. My UK balcony garden is situated in Manchester and is 18 floors up.

Don’t forget to take a look at my balcony garden flower tower:

#balconygarden #balconygardentour #gardening #containergarden #containergardening #balconygardenvegetables

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  1. Sorry guys, the volume dipped at the end for some reason. What I said was.. Most of the herbs in that container are not frost tolerant. So I will be propagating most of them and placing them in my indoor herb garden. I hope you enjoyed this tour of my crazy garden! This weeks live chat will be at 7pm Sunday 24th October (GMT)

  2. The garden is looking lush still, even with the cold weather. Always love seeing your fish and that garden apron is a must have, beautiful. Thanks for sharing👍🏾

  3. Looking good!
    I bought a super cheap grape vine sprout on clearance. I hope it will survive the winter and get some growing in next year. For aphid/pest control I'm going to try a neem oil solution next year. Supposedly very effective and it only targets the pests, so no pollenators are harmed.
    I also lóve strawberries, and I'm still looking for good and sweet everbearing varieties. Since the varieties differ per region of the world, finding info is hard (and garden centers only have 1 or 2 species, it seems). The strawberries I've tried tend to be more sour for some reason. Maybe it's a nutrient thing.

  4. Same here. Spider mites from October till December, aphids and white flies all year round but all my beneficial insects left in August. Now aphids invited the ants and I have been trying to break up their party for the last month.

  5. Yes 👍🏾 I Love It 🥰… Your Pond and Balcony Garden 🪴 is Absolutely Beautiful…I’m Here To learning…So Amazing 🙏🏾🥰

  6. Thank you for the tour. Your garden is awesome. Have you tried Neem oil for the garden pest? Mix it with some water and dawn. Spray in the evening. You can get it from Amazon.

  7. yes I do not understanding why I regrow my veggies and they grow back different. my strawberries come back in the yard not in my pots ? I HV came along way with my container gardens but these two things got me scratching my head

  8. I love your cloud garden, you are doing a lovely job even a balcony can be a garden! I've never seen strawberries with pink flowers all of mine are white. I think fruit and veggies have there own DNA and you never truly know what will grow 🌱

  9. ALERT MOST POWERFUL INFORMATION YOU WILL HAVE: Jesus paid the debt OF SIN because he stood in our place for sin but sin and death had no power on him. He conquered sin and death. Jesus didnt just take our sins but made us conquerer over sin and death powerful stuff. ♥️♥️♥️

  10. Great balcony gardening done it myself in London 30 odd years ago, try adding solar lights to your arches will encourage more night life to eat those other pests, looks beautiful 👍🏻 keep showing us more as the more people grow there own the better the world will be, n maybe the shops will realise we don’t need them 😂

  11. Also try companion planting like marigolds next to the tomatoes helps keep pests at bay sorry just found your channel pretty inspiring what you have done if everyone in a block of flats done this the world would be a better looking place for sure

  12. I’m starting my balcony gardening now, last couple of days I been looking at a lot of videos online and I like yours I like the most most because it’s real life image of pest issues and dead leafs. Can’t wait to watch all your videos

  13. Really enjoying your videos Jason, your enthusiasm is wonderful. A joy to have found you, which by the way was through the RHS magazine.

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