Japanese Garden

Home Gardening in Japan

6/14/09-In this segment host Kim Toscano visits the vegetable garden of Sadaharu Murakami of Kameoka. Mr. Murakami has lived in his small village within Kameoka for 70 years and has grown vegetables for most of those years.


  1. I loved seeing Mr. Sadahura's garden.  It was very interesting to see what vegetables he grows and how he grows them, especially his irrigation method. 

  2. He has such a beautiful garden. I’m looking to adapt a natural wood trellis system in my yard as well. It's s cost effective and aesthetically pleasing! Thank you for sharing this  

  3. I love and like Japan,love in Tokyo movie, japanese martial art,food, culture, harvest.sayo Nara Japan.🙏🖐😘👌😁

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