Vegetable Gardening

The MEGA Market Garden is IN | No-Dig Vegetable Gardening

The brand-spanking new mega market garden is in! Listen to Audible while you garden: or text ‘shaye’ to 500 500. I’m excited to begin this no-dig vegetable gardening adventure!


Cooking Community

📷 INSTAGRAM: @theelliotthome


📚Welcome To The Farm:
📚Family Table:
📚Seasons at the Farm:
📚From Scratch:



  1. This is very interesting. My garden area though is unfortunately very subjectable to blown around weed seeds just from fields and the grass however I am going to definitely use cardboard in my partition rows between what I plant. I never thought of that. I was afraid of the glues holding cardboard together. But I am very excited to see your garden progress and I may be able to incorporate some of the ideas for a lot less weed stress. I am also first year trying Kodiak mustard seeds grown in my whole bed early Spring then will flip them into the soil prior to planting and that is also supposed to help suppress weeds and build a very good soil for the garden. Loving all the new things and the weed stress possibility of being very little is a relief. Your area looks lovely.

  2. So, straight compost ? Any kind of compost – mushroom, manure, vegetable ? Not mixed in with soil? I’m trying straight mushroom compost in our market garden even though most say to always mix compost with soil as Compost can be too hot or too rich . Feeling nervous that straight compost isn’t going to do well😬

  3. Love it! We started a no dig garden with wood chips on top 4 years ago. It has completely changed the way we garden for the better. Best of luck! What a fun adventure!

  4. I was thinking about what you said, "…a garden you could use when you get older and less agile…" My solution to that when my kids all grew up was that I down-scaled my gardening spot. I'm agile enough, but I just didn't need to grow as much food, and I still have much overflow produce from my smaller gardens. You might find that you produce lots more food in a smaller square footage with this method. I do. God bless your new veggie patches!

  5. This is very interesting. I have used Back to Eden and Ruth Stout with average results. I'm now also using Charles Dowding's no dig. Gardening is one of the most useful types of artistry. It's going to be lovely.

  6. Hello gardeners and Food Lovers. Please don't forget after every breakfaster or cooking , use the left over Egg shells for your plants as they are greating source of micro elements such as potassium and other minerals as well they make a wonderful organic fertilizer.Please share your thoughts and comments

  7. Cant wait to see all the progress. Also starting a new, no dig market garden this year. Very excited to see how it goes.

  8. while you are young, buy a wood chipper, we have used one for years, with our cardboard, we add all paper to our compost pile, layer it with cardboard, paper screds, the woms love cardboard and u get a head start on all the cabbage stalks, Brussels sprout stems , trimming your orchard trees, and every rotten stick you find on your journeys, find places in the woods to grab bags and bags of leaves, you will continually have compost and chips for the gardens,,,,,your well on your way ,,,,and it looks great

  9. I'm so excited to follow along and see how it works for you! I'm starting a much smaller version of the same thing in my backyard this year, I've been inspired by Charles Dowding as well!
    I can appreciate the vast amount of cardboard you must have used…. I needed so much more than I imagined for my much smaller space!

  10. So excited for you and the adventure of No-Dig Gardening. I LOVE Charles Dowding and all the experience he shares. I will be following you on your journey! Dina Casey from Missouri.

  11. Rock-lined flower beds make me weak. My friend found a big pile of FL limestone in back of their house and is letting me come pick it up! Line all the garden beds in rock!

  12. Man I wish I had this set up!!! I just posted making mine on my channel and it’s about 3 of those rows done by hand lol I feel like I can still feel it in my back!

  13. Also my no dig bed is a little slanted and I will tell you the bottom will hold significantly more water than the top so my bottom crops are crops that don’t mind the moisture in spring and need it in summer!

  14. Love Charles Dowding as well, we’re in Zone 8b in OR so close in proximity to your same weather pattern – as you’re laying down the compost for the first time, are you using any ground cover for the rainy months we have ahead? Or just letting it be open as it is? Cant wait till we have a bigger property and can implement some of the same no-dig methods ❤️ may your harvest be plenty this year Shaye!

  15. I have learned so much from British gardeners and it's nice to see that others appreciate some of the same talents. Do you sell your excess produce?

  16. It looks great! I am also laying down cardboard in my 50' x 50' garden plot. How did you keep your cardboard from blowing away before you laid down your dirt? That has been my struggle.

  17. I can't wait to see how it works for you! We love our no-dig garden and Charles Dowding; he made a really big difference in our garden last year.

  18. I love this no dig method! One of my all time favorite gardening books is Ruth Stout's How to Have a Green Thumb without an Aching back…She was a No Dig gardening pioneer.

    모든육체는풀이요,모든아름다움은 들의꽃과같으니라.풀은마르고 꽃은시드나니 이는 주의영이 그위에불기때문이라.그백성은 정녕풀이로다.풀은마르고 꽃은시드나 우리하나님의 말씀은 영원히서리라.(사40:6~8)

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