Vegetable Gardening

VEGETABLE GARDENING in Arizona, 7 Principles for SUCCESS: Growing in the Garden

Gardening in Arizona is different, not impossible. We have different seasons than most. Zone maps on the back of seed packets and other zone maps don’t usually work here.

Introduction 00:00
Benefits of Gardening in Arizona 00:40
Challenges of Gardening in Arizona 01:19
1. Choose the best location 02:44
2. Focus on your soil 03:41
3. Plant at the right time 05:03
4. Plant short-season and adapted varieties 05:49
5. Understand your garden’s microclimates 06:46
6. Water your garden correctly 07:06
7. Mulch your garden well 08:05

For more information:

Products in this video:
Harvest Calendar:
Watering Grids:
Use code ANGELA10 to save $10 off $100
Growing in the Garden Raised Bed Mix at Arizona Worm Farm:

Amazon Shop:
Buy Harvest Calendar:
Seeds: Seeds Now
Botanical Interest seeds:
Watering Grids:
Use code ANGELA10 to save $10 off $100
Growing in the Garden Raised Bed Mix at Arizona Worm Farm:
Harvest Right Freeze Dryer
Ollas: Use code GROWING for a discount

More places to find and learn from Growing in the Garden


  1. I'm in love with your channel , such a beautiful garden , will definitely get the growing guide as soon as I have enough compost to start my garden here in mexicali ,

  2. Your most ambitious video yet. I hope all low desert gardeners see this video and gain inspiration. I had no idea what I was doing in 2020 when I started my garden in Scottsdale AZ, almost everything died once the heat of the summer came. But then I found your videos and your planting guide calendar. My third year garden is thriving, all thanks to you

  3. Do you mulch first or plant first? Especially when you direct seed-do you wait until the plants have come up and then add mulch around them? Or mulch first and move the mulch away to plant?

  4. Hi Angela, I’m in North Glendale. My husband built me raised bed pallet gardens off the ground because we have such a bad rabbit/critter problem. The bottom of my soil is 2-3 feet above ground held by stapled landscape cloth. My gardens are not thriving at all. Do you recommend planting on the ground; could this be the cause or is it possible for a successful garden in truly raised beds in your expert opinion? Thanks in advance! 🌵🌞

  5. Thanks for the video. What about snakes? Do you have tips to help avoid them? Thanks again.

  6. I love you garden and thank you for sharing your knowledge. Do you mulch around your citrus and if yes, with what?

  7. Thank you so much for sharing all of this information. It has been a great help as we learn to grow in AZ. Can you tell me the best place to get mulch?

  8. This is a great explanation of the growing seasons! I'm in El Paso, Texas, not Arizona, but I think many of the things you talk about in your videos are applicable for us as well.

  9. Thanks for the great information! I am originally from the east coast, where I had a pretty successful garden, but here in the Phoenix area I feel like there's no hope. Everything I plant in Spring and Summer dies immediately. I've had good luck with broccoli, lettuce, and especially kale, in the winter, but everything else immediately starts dying when I transplant into my garden.

    I buy garden soil and add fertilizer and compost, and still no luck. I didn't add mulch at all, and that's probably part of the problem, and I never thought of having the plants only exposed to morning sun because I always hear that they need at least 6 hours of direct sunlight. I'm going to try to get some mulch today and put my next batch of seedlings out this weekend. Thanks again for the tips!

  10. Jesus is the Christ who was crucified and resurrected to break Satan's head and take away your sins and curses.  If you believe in Jesus, you will be set free from sin, hell, and the power of Satan, and you will become a child of God.  Believe in Jesus.

  11. I love watching my garden grow a little each day, that is my favorite part of gardening.Thank you for sharing your garden videos so now I can watch your garden grow too! Your garden is so inspiring! I love it so much I started filming garden videos too. I am in my 3rd year of gardening and still have so much to learn. I hope we can learn more from each other!

  12. I don't live in your area but I am in zone 7b in north Georgia. I still enjoyed watching your video, lots of good information for other areas as well. Thanks for sharing and have a great day.

  13. Learning to grow here in Mesa has been hard. This is my third year. Thank you for your videos. People keep telling me I’m over watering. But if I don’t water everyday. Everything dies. So I’m so happy to have found your videos. I have so much to learn.

  14. In uk we need more warm and heat to survive our crop in summer . Frost in May or early June sometimes damage our plant..

  15. As we consider getting out of the hell hole that Oregon is becoming, Arizona is on our list of possibilities; thank you for this, it gives me hope that AZ might not be horrible.

  16. Angela, my friend and her hubby planted a garden and this past weekend when she went out to water (he had been doing it) she could smell mold, strongly. Is that normal? They did not amend the soil at all.

  17. My climate in south west Western Australia – Mediterranean – would have similar sun / heat (very hot!) but we also get cool and wet winters on the coast. We grow citrus too, in fact my local area was originally citrus farms.

  18. I wish I watched this video when I started gardening. Austin, TX is said to be sub tropical but I think it's more low desert atmosphere. Uuugh. People thriving here always is gardening in morning light or shade. And for nearly a decade I've been renting with unobstructed all day western/southern direct light. So thank u for the video. Hopefully maintain more green luscious container gardens!

  19. Thank you for your tips! I am a beginner in gardening and I only have a small balcony and would love to get advice on what to grow. I get 3 hours of full 8am-10am morning sun, then it is in the shade. Can you recommend fruits and vegetables I can grow in containers. I am researching and getting confused because I’m not sure if 3 hours of sunlight is enough. Thanks in advance!

  20. Hi Angela, recently we've noticed our tomatoes splitting, we have heirloom indeterminants and hybrid determinants, what advice do you have.

  21. I stumbled across your channel about 1 to 2 months ago; was so excited to finally find information with growing vegetables in Arizona! I went head first in learning as much as I possibly can and I still do and have recently started planting my first seeds (cucumber, zucchini, carrots, squash, pumpkin, lettuce, pak choi, and nasturtium) as of Sunday 6/12 and already have seeds sprout 2 days later. I have never been so excited to wake up and check out my new garden!

  22. I've been following you now for two years. You've helped me tremendously. I live in Gilbert. Do you have a thought as to why I am growing different tomatoes to full size but they're not turning ripe. Any thoughts? In advance, thank you so much

  23. OMG. I need help in my gardening, here in NE Mesa, AZ!! I want to garden all year, but I am too new to this difficult processes. I've been container planting since co vid hit, but with whimpy results. 😫 I am serious about August planting & will be relying on any info anyone can give me! 🙏

  24. Hi from Utah! Wow it would be nice to grow all year long. Although we have a winter. Some times harsh but lately more mild. I love watching you for tips on hot 🏜️ desert advice. Mulch is a huge one for me too. We have to keep the very little moisture we get close to those roots. Even when we get rain it barely does anything. 😜 I love watching your videos. Thanks for all the great info

  25. 5:30 minute mark, thank you so much for that. i was under the assumption we had one big growing season provided you could shade them enough during the hottest part of summer, as long as they didnt freeze, we could grow outdoors march through november. do you grow any super hot peppers, ones that take 6-8 months to produce peppers? in april i moved all of mine outside for the first time to try and clear up indoor space, and now almost september i went from multiple gallon ziploc bags of peppers indoors to less than a sandwich baggie size of peppers outdoors, given the same time frame indoor vs outdoor.
    thank you for making these videos btw, over the last year ive found myself watching your videos for tips for growing in az, and youve been very helpful!

  26. Thank you for this! I appreciate you for sharing! I'm starting my garden here in Avondale and I'm looking to get some wisdom.

  27. I have a more temperate desert, but desert all the same. Heavy clay and sand is not a good combo. 😕

  28. Hi! I love in the coachella valley in CA (i think we are considered a high-desert?) does that make a difference in gardening? We don't have a true monsoon season with lots of rain (usually just a little cloudy on some days) does that cut out that third growing season for me? Thank you for all of your tips!

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