
How to weed your garden – expert tips

When and how to weed your garden, the real truth about weeding without chemicals, weeding with a hoe and the best weeding equipment. Plus top tips from experts, bloggers and Youtubers, including Mark Lane Designs, Laetitia Maklouf, Alex Mitchell, The Skinny Jean Gardener, @Charles Dowding @Garden Ninja Ltd @Liz Zorab – Byther Farm Jack Wallington and the Two Thirsty Gardeners. Find out the real truth about weeding and the easy ways to do it.

Tips from:
Mark Lane:
Laetitia Maklouf:
Charles Dowding:
Alex Mitchell:
Lee Burkhill:
Lee Connolly The Skinny Jean Gardener:
Liz Zorab:
Jack Wallington:
Nick Moyle of Two Thirsty Gardeners:

To buy the following books (links to Amazon are affiliate which means I may get a small fee if you buy, but it doesn’t affect the price you pay. Other links are not affiliate.)
The Five Minute Garden:
Crops in Tight Spots:
Organic Gardening, The Natural No Dig Way:
How to Get Kids Gardening:
Wild About Weeds:
Wild Tea:

Weeding tools:
Hori hori:
Wolf Garten scraper patio knife:
Wolf Garten weeding knife:
Snoeber tools:

To see more about Jack Wallington’s Wild About Weeds interview with the Middlesized Garden:

For garden ideas, gardening advice, garden design and landscaping ideas for your garden or backyard, subscribe to the Middlesized Garden YouTube channel here:

Whether you love English garden style, cottage gardens or contemporary urban gardening, The Middlesized Garden has gardening advice and garden ideas for you.

Weekly videos cover gardening advice and garden design – from small space gardens to middle-sized garden landscaping – plus garden tours and tips for container gardening.

The Middlesized Garden practices sustainability, wildlife gardening and no till methods. If your garden backyard is smaller than an acre, join us and enjoy your garden even more!

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See The Middlesized Garden blog:

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Note: links to Amazon are affiliate which means I get a small fee for qualifying purchases. It doesn’t affect the price you pay and I only recommend things I use myself or really think you’d like!

More garden ideas on Pinterest:


  1. This is a fabulous video. I love that you've also included contributions from other channels as well. Well done indeed 🙂

  2. Thanks so much for the video. I'm working on my mom's garden and it is completely overrun by tall weeds. What is the best approach here? Trim or pull the weeds then cover in plastic? I feel this would be the least labour, the problem is my mom does not want plastic in her backyard for two months. Can I cover the plastic in mulch so it 'looks better'? Or will seeds get into that soil somehow?
    Also, I'm in Canada and it is now almost autumn, should we just wait for the spring at this point? Thanks!

  3. I live in a city, and this year I decided not to remove the weeds growing in the sidewalk cracks. Until last year, the house across the street had been empty for years, and untended, and the back yard was a paradise for little birds. Now that they don't have that resource, the seeds of the little sidewalk weeds are important to them. Lately, there have been PSAs warning against feeding bread crumbs to birds of all sorts, because their appropriate food is seeds. And it's a delight to see the tiny birds hopping around their inches-high "farm."

  4. Regarding using gliphosate weed killers – I have exsctly the same experience – I always lost some adjacent plants when using sprays. Less so when I applied it with brush to the leaves.

  5. I have Brunnera Jack Frost growing in dry shade. It has silvery leaves and blue forget-me-not flowers in Spring. It has been extra dry here in central Scotland this year and the Brunnera is better than ever. But don't get it via the internet. The silveryness of the leaves is very variable and on some plants they are a!most green. It is essential to see the plant in full leaf before you buy. Oh, and it divides like a dream so one plant can soon become many.

  6. Great show! My one thought: dealing with poison ivy is always a problem. I've found RoundUp applied CAREFULLY to the leaves works well. I have it amidst some evergreens and pulling is not an option. It also works on invasive grape vines. Again, careful application will not destroy surrounding plants.

  7. Love this video and love the tips. However, a little horrifying to hear a leading BBC presenter recommending black plastic sheeting! A non recyclable substance that will outlive your garden by hundreds of years, working against all positive ecology and pollute the planet! Please don’t do that! ☹️

  8. My best tip for weeding, is getting the help you need to get it out asap. For it Will spread very quickly. Then Next Year, you have the same amount twenty times. Or a hundred times or in some cases even a thousand times. If no one is willing to help just like that, find people whom you will pay. Every pound/dollar/euro etc. spent, will save you very much later on. Get this help at the end of the Winter season, as soon as things spring up faster than you alone can handle it. A clear, sunny day in Winter, that's not too cold? Weed! You'll thank yourself later.
    Burn off weeds where possible, poison them where nothing ever has to be seen again, but for the 90% left: weed till you do it in your dreams. Always get the roots out.

  9. It's so funny when you learn English watching this video😂 I use Polish and we have two very different words describing these two things: weeding= odchwaszczanie, wedding= ślub😉 Alexandra, I think I will remember word weeding😍

  10. Great vid as ever. For many years i used an inch wide foot long chisel which did a great job on the long rooted weeds. it broke last year. ;-[

  11. thank you for all the useful information, and thank you to the commenters with additional insight and inspiration ~ sometimes i say to myself (regarding weeding or mowing) ~ today i'm going to make my garden pretty! it's a mindset. greetings from Raleigh, North Carolina.

  12. A tip for weed killers and the worry about overseas on adjacent plants is to paint it on the leaves!

  13. Thank you Alexandra, just came across your video and is just what I need right now. My front & back lawn is full of dandelions, clover, vetch etc just not sure how I can keep up with them? Feels like a constant battle and I don’t want to use chemical herbicide because I have lots of bees too. So I got to the point should I bother at all. This is my second year in this house, so may be a complete landscaping makeover as I don’t want too much lawn, more flowers & veg.

  14. Once ya keep up on the weeding they eventually die out I just get the odd one or two but that's Constant weeding 4or 5years lol but winning the battle in saying that my garden is small

  15. This was extremely helpful, thank you! It's given me the moral boost I needed to continue tackling the Crown vetch in my yard and garden.

  16. You’ve inspired me. I have a new perspective toward the daunting task…even toward bindweed.

  17. Great video with great tips! We recently bought our first home and I've been letting everything grow kind of wild (including the weeds) just as an experiment to see what's here. To my surprise, I did discover a couple beautiful, native "weeds" that the pollinators have gone crazy for. I'll definitely be encouraging those in the garden next year!

  18. I paused this video to buy a hori hori. Never heard of it before but it's the tool I've always needed.

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