Japanese Garden

Japanese Gardens to Visit – Zen – Rock Garden at Ryōan ji Temple Kyoto

Japanese Zen garden or Rock Garden at Ryōan-ji Temple Kyoto sometimes called a Dry Landscape Garden Design or raked sand garden.

The raked garden at Ryōan-ji in Kyoto Japan is regarded as one of the best dry landscape gardens, or Japanese Zen gardens.

The temple at Ryoan-ji has two famous gardens, the main garden and the Dry Landscape or karesansui garden. Also known as a Zen garden, this a very popular garden with tourists and is best visited first thing in the morning on a week day to avoid the crowds.

The Zen garden is connected to a viewing platform that is next to the Hojo, which was the head priests residence.

The actual raking of the garden, as they are raked in patterns is also seen to be a form of meditation.

This is a walled garden set inside the temple grounds, 15 rocks representing different aspects of the landscape are carefully placed, and at no time can you see all 15 rocks at once.

Built around the 15th century, many interpretations have been put forward, one is that you can only see the 15th rock once you have obtained enlightenment, which sort of fits in with Buddhist teachings.

The white gravel often represent water, the rocks can represent islands, bridges and sometimes people.

The design can also be regarded as abstract, a place to meditate. Whatever the interpretation this is beautiful example of a traditional raked Japanese Garden.

The 4 Kanji characters inscribed on the water basin (Tsukubai) when you incorporate the square in the centre as a fifth character, can be translated to represent one of the central teachings of Buddhism.

口, which is the central character plus the outside characters 吾 唯 足 知 combined mean ‘What one has is all one needs’ or ‘I know what I have is all that I need’.

The location for Ryōanji 龍安寺, is 13 Ryoanji Goryonoshita-cho, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto and it is easily accessed by bus.

For more information on the temple and gardens including opening hours and special events see www.ryoanji.jp


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