Gardening Supplies

Best Organic Gardening Products for Explosive Plant Growth and Yield

John from shares with you his favorite company that offers organic gardening products that you can add to your soil to increase plant health, growth and yield. Boogie brew also offers natural pest control to control pests in your garden without man-made chemical pesticides.

In this episode John talks about some of his favorite organic fertilizers to add to his garden and how they have affected his plants. He also talks about a small American-owned mom and pop home business that is doing a great service by making the best organic soil amendments available at the lowest possible price for Growing Your Greens viewers.

John will talk about the Boogie Brew Compost Tea, SEA-90 Ocean based trace mineral supplement, Cascade Minerals Rock Dust and Boogie Humus, a low-heat compost that is rich in fungal activity that he uses in his very garden and gets excellent results.

To see the original Boogie Brew Video:

To watch the video on Supersizing your plant growth with wood chips and rock dust:

Learn more about boogie brew at their web site:

To get SPECIAL DISCOUNTED pricing for GYG viewers:

Welcome back, GYG’ers!

If you would rather not spend money on these products and garden free see:


  1. John, I purchased the pack of minerals and boogie brew you had a your show a month ago or so. It came with a sample of SEA 90, boogie brew and other assorted things, I wanted to know, if my raised beds are 4 x 8. How much of the Rock Dust do I add to each bed? How much would YOU add? to get the results you want to see?

  2. i have a tree stump that has been rotting away (it was a pine tree) in my backyard.  i was wondering if it would be similar to chip off some of the wood from the stump and put it in my soil?  thx. 

  3. We need to know more about the native soil we are starting with. Some areas are deficient in Calcium, others in Selenium. Ask ourselves: is our soil acidic or basic, mineralized or rich in organics? John Kohler's product suggestions are great, but I don't see this as advice to take a shotgun approach to soil improvement. It is up to us to learn what our soil needs, starting with recycling on our own yards or farms, then local sources, and lastly, outsource only as needed. I like John's emphasis on healthy soil biology, not just focusing on soil chemistry.

  4. Thanks John for your passion and sharing your knowledge and experience! Listening has helped to inspire me to start gardening this year, and I've been getting positive results. My life has changed and I can't imagine not having a garden again! Waking up in the morning and walking through is a wonderful experience and so rewarding (and humbling) to see nature at work. Keep up the good work John, and blessings to you!

    For those who may complain about promoting products, I look at it like this: John shares his experience and knowledge with love, passion and positive energy (it's pretty obvious)… promoting self sufficiency and eating healthy. If he believes in a product, I'll look into it and research more. I may buy it, I may not… simple as that. Initially, when I first started, I was watching a lot of his videos so I ended up buying from some vendors he had mentioned. Damn, it was the least I could do for the time and effort he put into his videos. I hope he gets 'free' products in return, it's not like he doesn't deserve it. He's providing them and us with a valuable service. It's trade, barter, free market system… whatever you want to call it. Besides, I'm sure people are always asking what he uses to get best results, and he is kind enough to share that info with no strings attached.

    Complainers: Be more grateful!!!

  5. I'm a user of Boogie Brew products and I can see and taste the difference between my veggies and my non boogie brew friend's veggies.

  6. I'm a user of Boogie Brew products and I can see and taste the difference between my veggies and my non boogie brew friend's veggies.

  7. Thanks I am getting some for my birthday as a present! Is that garden geeky or what? I love your videos and always learn something from you. Keep you the good work!

  8. Thank you John for your valuable info!!!  I want to start growing my own greens and appreciate your work!!!

  9. God bless this guy and Josh. His site is awesome and it's a one stop shop. Starting my first garden and I'm not playing around in NYC. There is no sun and tons of pollution. Need to get my family healthy by growing my greens now on my roof. It's the only way.

  10. John I've been watching you videos and I'm curios do you live in Vegas at the Present time? 4-24-15

  11. Not sure I'd combine "best product" and "explosive" in an advice video when talking about fertilizers… unless you want to be accused of click baiting by viewers.

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