Japanese Garden

Japanese Garden TVの動画ができるまで。How to make a video for Japanese Garden TV.

In this video, I made a video of the process of making my video. Please take a look!👍


□ Camera provided by BrackMagicDesign
・Camera: Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K
・ Video editing software: DaVinci Resolve

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  1. すみません。おすすめの音楽素材がありますか。教えてくださいませんか。

  2. Thanks for the introduction of your kits. They look cool and the end result has been very decent. Will try the Davinci resolve and if money permits, the BMPCC.

  3. As I commented before the excellence of the gardening work being done is enhanced by your excellent film and editing work. Thank you for showing us your work behind the scenes. I believe that your art is as important as the garden art you are sharing with the world.
    Thank you


  4. Hola, disculpa podrías poner la opción traducir en español por favor, me gusta la jardinera que realizan, pero no todos los videos se pueden traducir al español. De antemano gracias.
    Saludos desde Chile …🌻

  5. Wow! I loved getting an insider look at the process and equipment used to make your videos. That explains why every shot is always so serene and expressive! Wonderful.

  6. Wonderful video. Love the behind the scenes look. Your channel and others have inspired me to create garden tour videos.

  7. Bro I always said: IT IS ALL ABOUT YOU. Not that camera but my personal thought is: you are in Japan, Sony is Japanese brand too and FX3 or 6 or even 30 is exist too therefor why BMPCC?
    BMPCC is all about problems. but honestly YOU are making great out of that box of problems. Bro YOU are AWESOME.

  8. Very interesting! It inspires me! My video editing process is very, very simple. Once I have all of my timelapse footage from my job, I just edit everything on a free app on my phone. All of my editing and uploading takes only 2 hours. I think it's ok, for now, but I hope to make more professional looking videos with the footage from my next trip to Japan, whenever that is. Maybe 2024.

  9. I like your videos very much. They are really wonderfully made and it is really relaxing to watch them. And the gardens are beautiful too. 😉

  10. Arigatōgozaimashita for a look behind the scenes. Video editing has come along way from filming with my video camera. Then using a video recorder to edit.

  11. Your JGTV channel shares the creative processes of the garden artists and their projects, now you shared your development, equipment choices, photography and post-production stages with us. The reasons why we have excellent content for all of us to enjoy! Thanks for sharing again!

  12. Your excellent skills brings luck to all Japanese landscaper that you featured. GOOD JOB! 👍👏👏❤️❤️

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