
Gardening Tips : How to Grow Honeydew Melon

To grow honeydew melons, you’ll need a large area to grow them because of the big vine that these melons make. Grow your honeydew melons correctly with advice from a third-generation flower grower in this free video on gardening.

Expert: Yolanda Vanveen
Bio: Yolanda Vanveen is sustainable gardener who lives in Kalama, Wash.
Filmmaker: Daron Stetner


  1. Is it okay to start them indoors before the last frost? and then transplant them to the garden? Also how do I know if my soil is deep enough and fertile enough to support the cantaloupe and other veggies? Sorry about the questions i am new to gardening and its so much to take in thank you!

  2. Also, pay no mind to the pantywaists who left those rude comments. Great video!!! Growing Honeydew melons for the first time this Summer.

  3. With all do respect, i've been trying to start my melons all summer and got nothing. At first i was starting my melons in hot spring water containers and the seed would open up and some of them would sprout but after i would tranport them to soil i would get nothing.

  4. not enough info, on how to care for it do we fertilize it. Do we water it every day. What about the soild, what kind. What if it look like it does want to live. Are it may die ect.

  5. Leave the lady alone. If u dont like her info, get off ur asses and read a book, and figure it on ur own. The video has more than enough info for the dummies in this world. By the way, mine are doin quite well.

  6. What you need to grow honeydew melons. 1. Honeydew seeds. 2. A garden. 3. Are you fucking kidding me woman.

  7. Amazing how many people have to make it known how bad this video was. I bet your a bunch of liberal atheists who can't just not say anything if you can't say something nice. I'm growing honeydew melons for the first time and found this 1:12 video helpful in what to expect. The people who must voice their hate proves that the devil is working hard when you come to a simple video about honeydew melons. God Bless everyone who does defends this woman's video. Even if it wasn't helpful to them.

  8. Pretty useless video if you've ever grown ANYTHING!!! Get seeds or plant, put in soil, Water. There, that's all the info this video provides. I just saved you a few minutes.. 🙂 Why doesn't she mention what kind of fertilizers to use and when, amount of direct or indirect sun, amount of watering, Every day, every other day, etc and does this change when the flowers 1st show or fruit start to get bigger and close to picking. All of these are more informational then Plant, water pick fruit.. Of course I'm assuming that if you're seeing this, you already have a garden and know the basics.

  9. It’s hot dine here in Houston. Can I plant it in a shady spot 😬 I would dig a whole to plant it in the ground but landlord might start trippin. If not I can always get one of those big circular plant beds for like $8

  10. I've been to some tough hoods, but nothing as brutal as the comment section of how to grow a honeydew melon.

  11. Hello, I planted honeydew melons using seeds from one we ate in March. I have three growing in a small area. I also have watermelons (small), and pumpkins. My problem is aunts…how do I get rid of the aunts. I used a dirt conditioner called Amend then came the aunts. I reside in the high desert we have a lot of sand dirt. I mixed the amend dirt conditioner and I had success for the first time growing the aforementioned items. This dirt attracts aunts. What can I do that will not harm my plants but kill the aunts.. Lorena

  12. That was really lame put seeds. Add water eat melon. Okay… obviously. What about supporting the fruit. Soil ph, nutritional needs. Polination. Pests. Like. If you make a video, at least try.

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