
Indoor Garden Tips – Hydroponics – Transplanting Herbs From Containers To Hydroponic System

This is how I transplant herbs and vegetables from soil pots & containers to a simple hydroponic system.

Step #1 – Remove the herb or vegetable from the pot or container.

Step #2 – Soak the plant in a tub of water…use an air pump/stone if soaking for long periods

Step #3 – Separate the roots from the soil or soil less growing medium. If the grow medium is very dense or difficult to dissolve in water, then you may have to use an utensil to break it apart. You can also use a water hose or kitchen “spray” faucet to help the process.

Step #4 – Place some hydroton on the bottom of a net pot or diy container (e.g. cup), and place the roots on top of the hydroton.

Step #5 – Insert the net pot into your hydroponic container.

Step #6 – Place the entire grow system into a grow box, grow tent, or somewhere adjacent to a natural light source like a south facing window.

That’s it! Now your herbs or veggies will grow faster than ever…compared with growing in soil or soil less mediums.


  1. Im thinking it would be a lot less trouble to spray the dirt off outside or even in the tub or sink. nice video though

  2. If this was planted in soil, then it would be much easier to separate the roots. However, the grow medium was almost rock solid, so I needed to soak it in water before attempting to separate the roots.

  3. Hi – , how often do you change the nutrient water and how much and what nutrients do you use per liter of water. Thanks Darren

  4. Thank you for the video.
    You really can build your indoor garden that does not need weeding, tilling or cultivating, the spreading of fertilizer or compost, and no watering or irrigating; all while your vegetables yield up to 10 x the amount of veggies than plants from the dirt garden.

  5. if u use 50% coco, perlite, maybe lil soil, the solo can stay intact. heck u can just cut off the bottom of the solo if u want.

  6. I am trying to grow watermelon. I don't know when to transplant my seedlings to my 5 gallon hydroponic system. I have seedling starter thing with a cover and a heat pad.

    the root on a watermelon I put in about a week ago, is already 2 inches long. however the leaves have yet to open up.

  7. Excellent! Are you still doing this? How often do you fertilize during winter? Thank you

  8. You know, if you not only do a video, but also advertise your services you know, you might want to write a script in advance if you have a hard time articulating what you want to say you know. It would make the whole video smoother and easier to listen to you know. Maybe even give you more views you know.

  9. I already have so many tomatoes but they're still green. I'm anxiously waiting for them to turn red. I used Aerogarden Bee the bee pollinator to pollinate my tomatoes and am very happy with the result>>>  . I'm not quite certain that two tomato plants will be enough for me. If you buy this, on the Aerogarden website there are always sales.

  10. O yah "A"
    But hey man the Canadians have been doing this way longer than the Americans look at where they live they can't grow nothing outdoors not for any longer than a month if that so
    I TIP MY 🎩

    and I don't want to hear nothing about the crack on the Canadian "A"
    Because yes I'm one of THOSE PEOPLE FROM THE STATES


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