Garden Plans

Prepper's Garden Plans – Homesteading – Seeds

While its too cold to be planting outside here in Ohio, I can let you in on some of my plans for the 2012 growing season…

This video is a response to Cokeman250’s Spring Contest…
His Channel: check him out and give him a sub if you havent already. He is a stand up guy and a great member of our community!

His contest video:

Please watch: “Building a log cabin…”



  1. Thanks for the great vr and the nice words looks like when the weather breaks you will be set to go. Thank you for being such a good friend and for all the support you have shown my channel good luck and God Bless

  2. look forward to seeing what you plant and how well it does. Im not doing all too well. The wife bought a planting tower… looking forward to using that.

  3. Wel I hope that turns around for you. I'm not sure what a planting tower is but it sounds cool. Cant wait to check that out!

  4. As a fellow Ohioan I can laugh with you about our state's weather. And you were right 80* and 40 the next. You know the old saying If you don't like the weather in Ohio wait 10 Great ideas for the garden.

  5. This video doesnt count, sucks for you. You dont get a prize. You have to have something planted not talk about planting. You need to move Im already picking tomatoes. LOL

  6. Wow, talk abt. raspy, you sound like Clint Eastwood. Can you say "are you feeling lucky punk?" All jokes aside, hope you get to feeling better soon.

  7. Doing what you can as you can is still the best way to do anything, isn't it? Hardly get snow here and certainly not this late in the year. I can't imagine it! Don't feel too bad, instead of snow, I have fire ants year round to deal with. Snow is prettier. lol

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