
My Top 3 Gardening Tips For Beginning Gardeners – Tips For Beginners

I wanted to do a video with gardening tips for beginner gardeners. There are do many tips that I could offer to those who are just starting out on their first gardening journey. Once I started making a list, I realized that I couldn’t fit them all in one video, so I tried to think of my top 3 tips for beginning gardeners.
For beginner gardeners, I wanted to provide some information that would help them be prepared for planting that first seed. There are a few things you need to know before you even break ground. I think these 3 gardening tips for beginning gardeners are a great place to start.
If you are an experienced gardener, please feel free to offer any tips that you think are important that I didn’t list.
Tip #1. Know your last frost date: 0:29
Tip #2. Know your cold hardiness zone: 2:15
Tip #3. Find a gardening mentor: 4:10

My Top 5 Tips For Growing Tomatoes:

Much of what I use in our garden is right here (Earns Commission):

My Teespring Store on YouTube (Earns Commission):


Midwest Gardener is also on Facebook and Instagram.

I garden in zone 6b, in the state Kansas. I would love to hear from you, so feel free to comment, make suggestions, ask a question, give tips, tell about your garden, or even offer constructive criticism.
Thanks for watching!

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  1. Good morning Jim. Great tips. I would also advise beginning gardeners to start small. Your dad looked very much like one of my uncles did at that age. Have a great weekend. Best wishes Bob.

  2. I would advise new gardeners to seek out their county extension agency and the master gardeners associated with it. Local knowledge and experience is key! Great video, Jim. It’s gonna be great weather for early sowing this weekend in Kansas! Ready! Set! Go! 😊

  3. This is great info! The USDA is not always right about the growing zone and people should get a thermometer and monitor their own temps for a season. I kick myself for not starting a compost pile as soon as I started my garden as it is such a blessing to have compost to top off garden beds going into the next growing season. You're so right about the youtube gardening community and it's a great group of people, just take everything you watch with a grain of salt, what works for some people doesn't work for everyone. I'm jealous of your parents, they seem awesome! My great-aunt taught me about raising chickens for food, but all of my gardening I have youtube and a few good books to thank. Have you grown Big Rainbow tomatoes before? The seeds I got from Baker Creek look like cherry tomato seeds and it's supposed to be a slicer.

  4. great advice! Another tip from me: grow what you eat! Especially the first year, don't do too much experimenting with new foods. If you hate tomatoes, but everyone online grows them, don't feel pressured to do so. Grow peppers or corn or cucumbers or whatever it is you like instead.

  5. Great tips 👍🏻. I still consider myself to be a somewhat newbie to gardening (even though I’ve been gardening for a few years). I live in Ontario Canada and sometimes we don’t have the greatest growing season (plus I love growing odd things) so I do this system where I start my seeds indoors around feb and then when the warm months start I will transfer them outside to harden and when I know we are good to plant (usually around may 24th for us) then I plant in the garden….it’s time consuming but sometimes totally worth it!

  6. Good advice! It was you that taught me to save my Zinnia seeds! I grow them every year now. They're beautiful!

  7. Great tips for sure Jim. I would agree with Bob on not starting to big. I would also say to plant some flowers to help bring in pollinators. Have a great weekend,it is gonna be 60 degrees here tomorrow. 👍🏻🇺🇸

  8. Some good tips for sure. Tip 4 should be 'be prepared to fail'. Even the best setups and plans can fall at random and if not ready or weathered through the storms a few times our drive can falter. One of the unspoken truths being a gardener for us is you have to be prepared to fail and get back up afterwards. Really cool video for sure. Thanks for the share!

  9. Good morning Jim,
    I would recommend that new gardeners start a vermicompost or compost pile to make new soil for ammending their garden. I like the vermicompost bacause the worms do all the work. You have some great tips and lovely plants. Have a great weekend.☺🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋

  10. I would say amending the soil and prepping it before you even think about dropping a seed. Great Tips Jim for all of us. LOl on the gene pool comment. Goof looking parents.

  11. Don't try growing things that doesn't do well in your zone. There's a reason for not planting a Washington cherry tree in the south, they need many more chill hours than the south get. Same with vegetables, some do well north and south and there are a few things that suffer dramatically in the south, but thrive in the north.
    Beginners should research the best for their area before planting.

  12. Beautiful video, sir. I’m in zone 6 as well and I was thinking about planting my banana tree outside. It has been in pots since last summer.

  13. Jim, I have to agree with CB, Tip number 4 is watching your great gardening channel. I have learned so much from watching what you do in your garden. A valuable asset for me is your yT friendship. Enjoy the day! Catherine

  14. Good morning Jim. Beautiful tips, I think all of those tips will help new gardeners. Tip nr 4. Always give your garden plenty of water and sun and most importantly dont let your cats in the garden 😂 or else they will mess it up. I hope you have a great weekend further Jim 🙂

  15. "be patient and wait" From watching your video I found out I'm doing some things right! Appreciate you as always Jim

  16. My best tip to anyone : No chemicals. Ever. Lol. Great video always! Your videos are so fantastic always! I wish I could taste all your food!!

  17. New gardener here! So far it's been hard since time isn't on my side. But I'll keep trying^^

  18. My father was an excellent gardener, this spring will be the first spring he won't be around to ask what to do when I have an issue. 🙁 Glad to have found your channel, now I know where to go if I need some advice. Even though we have a frost date set, I still keep an eye on the weather channel to make sure I don't get ahead of myself. Better to wait a day or so than be sorry!

  19. I'm sure you've been asked numerous times but what is your favorite tomato to grow and why?
    I'm doing better boy and big boy again and trying cherokee purple and red brandywine this year so far.

  20. Thanks for your video's Jim. My tip would be to start a compost tea big bucket to dilute and water your plants every week/2nd week. We learn by our failures, so keep going, sometimes what doesn't work this year goes crazy next year!

  21. Would love to grow some Cala lilies from seeds. Do u have any ?

  22. If you want to push the envelope, fine sometimes it works, other times your plants die from frost. Just have extras handy.

  23. As a new gardener I kept planting the same type tomatoes that would not ripen due to the extreme heat. If plants fail the first year, try a different type the next year. This year I'm growing heat tolerant tomatoes. Look for gardeners from your climates and see what types they plant.

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