
Cactus Container Tips |Darrell Dunten |Central Texas Gardener

Cactus plants are clever, intricate, and fascinating succulents. Darrell Dunten from Living Desert Ranch makes it easy to grow them, even in containers. Host: Tom Spencer.


  1. 'I've known Darrell since about 2001. I walked into the green house for the first time and with me, my brand new digital camera, I was in heaven when I walked through that door. All the colors of glass, copper, cactus pottery, I noticed Darrell's face back, among all the cactus, pottery, glass, as if Darrell had left a very small tunnel through all that so he could see folks walk in but continue his work,. It struck me. It was an image I will never forget. "There was a man with a passion surrounded by his expression for the love of his art" and I had my camera in hand, my passion was capturing such special moments in time. We had a discussion about me and my camera. We came upon an agreement.,I promised I would never reproduce or display the photo.

    I'm going to visit you soon

  2. I would have liked to learn more about growing Cactus in Tx. Let the man talk and share what he knows. Too many interruptions,

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