Garden Plans

A Quick Look At Our Backyard And Our Garden Plans At Our New Place*🌻🌱☘️🌼

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  1. That’s awesome I’ve been hoping that you all would be happy and well and prosperous with all that you do I turned 60 today so Namaste πŸ™πŸ½

  2. Beautiful green yard looks so happy and fertile for planting. Congratulations for settling down for a while . Looks like a lovely and peaceful place to me. Feels good. Best of luck with your lovely new home gardening. Thanks a lot with love blessings and prayers for sharing.

    Weed Me

  4. Is this Arkansas? I've been looking to move there from Michigan. The real estate is half the price of most Michigan homes and I'm looking for a more rural, warmer change.

  5. CongratS! Your home looks lovely. I just moved to Texas too. It's very green in my area too

  6. Congratulations.
    And you still have time to get green beans in and have a nice crop. And yes fruit trees would be awesome.
    I now have 4 acres in Southwest Michigan and have plans for many fruit trees along with doubling the size of the large garden that I previously have.
    I have changed where the garden is because me and the kids got chickens and ducks last year and then even more this year and where their coop is it’s where the garden was, so they have just over 1/8 of an acre that they can roam on.
    So now we have more than enough eggs and let me tell you I love the duck eggs, we have four of the white Peking ducks and four khaki Campbellβ€˜s and the Peking eggs are twice the size of a chicken egg and they taste incredible sometimes chicken eggs bothered me but those were store-bought eggs but my chicken eggs do not bother me, and I think it’s because they get to free range along with the good feed that I buy for them and the ducks and they are free range together, and they are an absolute blast especially the ducks they have such amazing personalities and they are so comical, LOL and I’m a hunter and I’ve hunted all my life and will continue to do so but having chickens and Ducks and the way you have to take care of them it’s just like a cat or a dog they become family and you have amazing connections with them.
    So yeah if you’ve got the space to have a couple hens and you’re permitted to have them I would definitely get a couple for the eggs and then when you clean the coop you can take that straw and manure that’s on it and use it in your garden for some amazing fertilizer.
    So congratulations and have an amazing time with your new place.

  7. Congrats on your new home. I'm homesteading on about the same size yard. I have a channel, you guys might have seen me around Brighteon. I'll have a ton of strawberry plugs, raspberry/blackberry & possibly even blueberry starts next season from what I have growing in my yard now. I'm going to work on grafting my apple and peach trees too to make new starts with those also πŸ™‚ I will send you guys a bunch next season to get you a jump start if you want them. I do everything organic/non gmo just lmk GL & keep up the good work!

  8. Its an adventure enjoy it glad u found a place to settle i think it looks greatπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜πŸ‘πŸ‘

  9. Ok, working everyday is too much you two🐧🐧
    Please take a mini staycation at your new place and get some much needed R&R. Like chillin out on that cool porch.πŸ·πŸ·πŸ•πŸ•
    πŸ’œ Lillypadstudio

  10. Congratulations on your new home. It looks beautiful. I'm looking forward to seeing the development over time. Namaste πŸ’œπŸ™πŸ’œ

  11. I have some serious catching up to do here on the personal side of things. I've lost touch with a lot of people, & things here on youtube since recovering from my late 2019 nightmare surgery, & 2020's equally nightmarish offerings.
    What I really want to know is, why did yinz leave the mountain sanctuary???

  12. You can get frequency for plant health & growth. They like it. Thank you.
    Much Love 🀍🌼.

  13. Looks wonderful to me, I am delighted for you and send much love and happy new home energy your way!

  14. This is GREAT! I'm so happy and relieved that y'all have found a nice spot to call HOME. I often worried about you two being on the road so much with the unpredictable weather we have now- plus it IS nice to have a 'base'/somewhere to call home. It has been a crazy ride too, with all of the roadblocks and hoops that you were forced to deal with, but it is just how it is meant to be right here and now. This is awesome, you can stretch out a bit, and I bet the pups are going to enjoy it too. I can only imagine how the back yard is going to be transformed within the next few years, it has already started LOL, not that anything less would be expected. Peace, ML and CONGRATS!!

  15. Looks wonderful ! So happy for you ! Lots of room to garden, & room for your precious pets ! We ate fresh greens all year long from our small greenhouse in Canada & Kale from our outdoor garden. Kale over winters great. Logan berries are a hit & blackberries for us……happy gardening to you ! ❀️❀️

  16. Now is the time to plan a fall garden. Can grow a lot of greens in one raised bed. See Rare Seeds Channel for lots of helpful advise.Envious of the screened porch.🦟🦟🦟

  17. Wow, you guys are so close to me. I'm close to Tyler but closer to Canton! Welcome to Texas! We have lots of new residents coming in since last year. πŸ’–

  18. I am soooo pleased for you guys! I don't know what the flying insect population is like where you are. Where I am in Spain, bees are non-existent, so I have had to help my plants with pollination. Something to think about. Anyway, I wish you both – and the doggies – much love, happiness and success in your new home.

  19. I'm so happy that you have something started. This looks so much friendlier than what was before. Its really nice..if your above on the craton you'll be okay.. and it seems you are.

  20. I’m in Texas as well. Not sure where you are at in Texas. I can offer you plenty of blueberry, mulberry, thornless blackberry, Dorsett green apple and Anna apple ( warm climate apple) cuttings. As well as pomegranate & peach trees. Cuttings are free. Let me know if your interested. Namaste!

  21. I’m so happy for you!! Please don’t tell people where you are, I totally understand & I don’t need to know! Thank you for all you are! We are family!!πŸ™β™₯️β™₯️

  22. CONGRATULATIONS πŸ˜„. You guys are so very lucky to have each other even if you lived in a tent. SERIOUSLY. I wish I knew if GAINESVILLE Florida is gonna be ok. I’m still less than a city block where I grew up. I want to leave here so badly. I’ve never seen snow in all my life. It looks just like Austin Tex here except there’s no river running through it. Until some MAJOR dental gets done I am stuck. Though I moved out the summer before 10th grade this is the ONLY house I have co-owned. I wanna leave here so very badly but I think it’s more personal reasons and not because pole shift or Cuba is gonna get me. I think ANYWHERE IS HEALING AND HEAVEN IF YOU HAVE 2 … LOVE CONQUERS ALL. πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

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