Japanese Garden

Making A Japanese Garden in London

Part of the work done at Herons is designing Japanese Gardens. The Islington Project was four years in the making and I show you the process of creating a Japanese Zen Garden.

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  1. A job well done Mr Chan, it looks extremely nice lit up at night. I assume that the plates underneath the stones are to spread the weight due to there being rooms underneath the building possibly for utilities?

  2. The rocks and trees and beautiful. The zen garden is stunning. I’m not a fan of artificial grass but I can understand why it’s been used in this area.

  3. I'm blown away by the use of slate stone for a dry river bed. Never would I have thought of that! I must give that a shot in my own landscaping. Absolutely stunning Zen garden!

  4. Truly amazing! 🗿⛰
    Those nice boulders are worthy of famous public Japanese gardens and temples in Japan!

    I wish I could hire you to select and place boulders.
    It’s impossible to find contractors that want to place boulders in southern California (especially with Japanese aesthetics and composition)…
    So, I placed 12 small boulders by myself. Only 2’ boulders 😔, but still very heavy and was a hard days work. I wish I had 4-5’ boulders instead!

  5. Beautiful 👍❤️. Everything is fantastic and the night time view is excellent☺️. With regards to stones, even making such as a rock garden or building a dry stone wall, a lot of thought goes into choosing and the placement of the stones. Therefore, I'm not surprised that it took a while for you to decide on the exact placement. Years ago, I lived in an apartment with a beautiful sea view, but I think that I'd feel claustrophobic in one of these apartments and I couldn't live in London anyways, even if I could afford one of the penthouse ones😂😂😂😂

  6. I want a Zen Garden …. just breathtaking … lucky residences to be able to enjoy this every day ….

  7. Like the rock placements. The balance of negative space from every angle, the foreground background interplay, it's a bit like designing a forest planting.

  8. Job well done. I can understand how proud you must be. And – a good maintenance income stream. Again – well done. An absolute feather in your cap.

  9. Beautiful work, the trees are lovely as well. The fake grass looks fine, and is understandable for the sake of maintenance. If I heard correctly, people are not allowed to walk the garden? If so, seems like a shame to not be able to enjoy the beauty at eye level.

  10. Hello Peter, that zen garden is beautiful by the way. I’m after some advice please. I have a 11 year old deshojo maple bonsai which I repotted just before leaf break in feb time. For the last 3 years it’s leafed out and been stable all year round but it’s had no new growth whatsoever. I’ve never known this. It’s looks healthy and nothing suspect but just no growth. Do you have any idea why or what I can do to make some progress? Thanks.

  11. Okay Peter, your videos have inspired me to attempt to create my own bonsai. I came here hoping to help my wife with her dying bonsai from her office and now I want to create my own. I purchased a buxus and a juniper this past weekend and last night I finally shaped the buxus. I'm ashamed to admit after I wired the branches and was shaping the the limbs I cracked two branches. I guess I'm that bull in the china closet guy. Maybe I'll post a before and after picture to Instagram once it starts growing in. Next up: the juniper.

  12. Great video Peter. I enjoyed the opportunity to look behind the scene. Your voice is very soothing too. Keep making us videos please!

  13. Can you someday, using small rocks of different shapes, pass along your knowledge about the principles of placing rocks in a Zen garden? I.e., why you should position a rock one way vs, another, why it is aesthetically wrong to position it a certain way, what number groupings are best, etc. You did something similar for groupings of trees in the forest style, I assume some of those same principles apply? Thanks for all your informative videos!

  14. I think the trees should be displayed on stands rather than sticking out of the ground somewhat unnaturally but that’s just my opinion.

  15. Absolutely tranquil … 🎎⛩
    I'd prefer real Japanese grass though. For the price of the flats, I'm sure fees for building maintenance should suffice in covering the care of this garden.

    QUESTION: Mr. Chan…did you acquire the huge rocks locally or did you bring them in from another country? Also, did you select each one for the design? I truly enjoy your expertise and love for this art. I had once been into bonsai with my late husband over 40 years ago, until we came home from work and found our beloved 30 plants stolen from our home. Heartbroken.

  16. artificial grass… omg what a shit. its not a original japanese garden. … boring plastik

  17. Perfect example of the ridiculousness of London!! Pay 10 million for a penthouse apartment…. but you’re not allowed in the garden 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Absolutely comical! Looks beautiful but why have it ? You live 60 or 70 feet above, what will you see ?

  18. What I like is the amount of contemplation this inspires. At first things seem simplistic and very minimal, but because of that you start to appreciate how every small detail was planned and thought out. So you start to try to figure out why things are the way they are. It's like seeing a completed puzzle, a beautiful image that couldn't have been put together any other way

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