Container Gardening

Planting 21 Garlic Plants in Self-Watering Container Garden

John from shares with you how he is planting 21 garlic plants in a growums self-watering container garden. In this episode John will show how he plants garlic with approx 4″ spacing in 2 square foot of space. After watching this episode you will see how easy it is to start growing in a container, and hopefully will be motivated to start growing some of your own food today.


  1. the only reason china has grown so much since the mid 80s is foreign money investing in chinese labor..building factories and sweat shops to exploit the 1 billion poor in china…you sir should just stop while your know nothing….the trade deficet has made them moneyh..but once america has none china willfall..we buy most their crap…without US china isnt shit…we exploit them to make our shit so we can sell it for pennies at walmart..

  2. I have a Litchi plant with loads of flowers but no fruit. I try painting the pollination from one flower to the next but nothing. Any ideas on how to fruit this beautiful plant?

  3. Lol there is no strong sexual comments or reference in this….must be your own perverted mind. A kid would really think nothing of this. Hell get more sexually influenced from television or in his environment then from this clip…great upload and keep doin what ya do!

  4. I noticed the comments about plant health and maximum production being important I have an idea, what I do is take a container that may hold water and fill it with grass and weed cuttings and maybe some grape skins from wine making just whatever organic materials and add water to ferment the materials and then use the fermented water as plant food make sure you use the water frequently or you wont want to get near it and the flys potentialy. dilute, some call it compost tea or bio fertilizer.

  5. I dont know if your interested but if you want a girlfriend, go on the website POF and if you see a girl that has interestst you like, tell her you like her photos and you might get her to talk about interests later.

  6. i've read that you need the cold nights for bulb development – but if you want to eat the garlic green (like green onions) then you probably don't need the guess

  7. To the people complaining about his sexual comments: Im a parent myself & I really want my children to get into gardening as well. However its our job to monitor what they watch, don't you think you should stop complaining & maybe watch the video before you let your kids watch it?!!!?!?!? That's what I do with other movies & youtube videos. Keep up the great work John! I think you are comical & I don't think you should change who you are and how you talk for a few people that are complaining! 🙂

  8. I am worried for your children… because you bribe them with video games. sheesh no wonder this nation is having such a problem with obesity! :/

  9. Well put! ..

    When I grew up, parents actually put time in to their kids ..

    Today, (In Norway,) some parents actually complain about there not being 24 hour open kinder-gardens ..

    Man am I glad I grew up in the 1980's! 😀

  10. Oh, grow up! .. And stop with your potty-thoughts.. NO kid would get any sexual references from this .. Lest they be schooled in it from you, yourself! .. (Or TV, and other media .. )

  11. You spamming the same message over and over; to?

    I usually avoid getting personal.. But I really pity your kids ..

  12. yeah. i really got shocked when i receive my ipad3 without paying a dime @ my home yesterday. Listen, you just need to give email addrss and tell them where you want to send. you can also get it from here :

  13. Is this plastic type save?
    The plastic type of the small pots is likely 6 which leeks.
    I like gardering very much but am a bit concerned about the plastic. Please respond.

  14. Would you ever consider adding subtitles for the hearing impaired? Even just the highlights would help.

  15. Great video, thanks again John! And, please don't change for anyone, I doubt the subtle sexual references are going to do ANYTHING to a child. There is my opinion, do what you wish.

  16. John doesn't have a girlfriend?! I bet there are at least dozens of nice, smart, good-looking women who watch your videos and have crushes on you John.

  17. After I watched this beneficial video, it came to realization that growing your own container garden is manageable enough. Upon watching this video, I gained some gardening techniques which are very useful for my own good! Thank you for extending your knowledge through this way! 

  18. Some thoughts: 1. It's not clear why produce grown in China would be bad.  I think if you are going to imply that it is, then you ought to at least give some justifications for that. 2. You're clearly growing hardneck garlics, as evidenced by the scapes visible on the plants. The garlics sold in grocery stores are softnecks, so people following your initial advice (viz. go ahead and plant cloves from the grocery store) are not going to see the same results that you're showing, which is kind of annoying to beginning gardeners. 3. Transplanting garlics: why? why? why? There's no reason why you couldn't have planted the cloves just once in their final growing spaces, and transplanting really stresses the weak systems of alliums.  It's okay when they're small starts, but those plants you have are beyond that point. Once the scapes appear, they are adults trying to reproduce. Would you consider transplanting an onion after it has begun bulbing?  Of course not.  4. Garlic needs subfreezing temperatures in order to properly split into cloves, but planted in small pots like that will kill them in many areas. Here in NW WA, for example, such pots will freeze solid. 5. Four inch spacing is quite close, and risks attracting garlic rust. Once rust hits, the soil is useless for four years or longer, and rust spreads not only to other alliums (like onions) but also to long-lived beds (like asparagus). Packing lots of garlics into a small space is a bad, bad, bad idea.  6. Bare soil/compost at the base of the garlic is bad, you need to mulch.  It prevents rust propogation and also stops weeds.

    You did mention that the variety of the garlic planted matters, so kudos.  That is so true.  A porcelain hardneck, planted before a freeze and left undisturbed but well fed until the following August, should yield a bulb the size of a fist with 4-6 spicy delicious cloves, in addition to providing springtime scapes for homemade pesto.  Grocery store softnecks will, at best, produce golf-ball-sized bulbs with 10+ cloves that with a bland taste, if they don't just rot in the ground.

  19. Couldn't you ration your mycorrhizal inoculant by sprinkling it on every other plant?  From my understanding, the mycelium will spread out of the plants root zone and with tight plant spacing the fungus will encounter a different plant's roots.

  20. John, you're just adorable. No girlfriend? I wish I was 30 years younger or that I had a daughter to introduce to you.You'd be welcome in my family anytime. And I just love your sly sense of humor… "100% hetrosexual and gardensexual." Got it, LOL

  21. Why every time i plant garlic, the leaves aren't growing well? It will just extend from 3 inches  from the stem then after 2 weeks becomes thinner and then turns to yellow then sooner it becomes rotten … Any advice?

  22. Folks, you don't need ANY of his myriad supplements and additives he pushes. Just use a quality compost – that hopefully you are maintaining for leaves, grass clippings and vegetable scraps…

  23. I read that I should buy organic garlic for planting. I live in zone 10 in Florida. When & how should these be planted. I only have space for large pots.

  24. Hi John, Are you still using your growums? Could you please do a video showing what you do with your self-watering boxes once the items grown in them are finishing growing? Do you dump it all out, reuse the soil, add in certain supplements, etc? Thank you 🙂

  25. Roundup and neonicitinoids are very toxic and will someday be revealed to be the cause of many ailments. Organic is the food I want to eat and grow. Your videos are an inspiration. Keep sharing John!

  26. I just bought a bunch of earthboxes and the soil on top was super dry and not moist. I had a feeling it had to do with the soil.

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