Japanese Garden

Japanese Maples & dwarf conifers – Amazing Maple

A view of the garden early sept 2012. You can see a large variety of wonderful japanese maple trees and dwarf conifers that you can add to your garden. Feel free to contact amazingmaples to set up an appointment.


  1. Amazing its heaven in Earth i Would like to have in my park some of the fir and spruces species , Acer,Juniperus,as You have mister

  2. Убрать все фигурки, бегонии вдоль бордюра и завезти больше камней – и тогда будет прекрасный японский сад.

  3. Beautiful video showing the versatility and color interest of dwarf conifers and Japanese maples. Gorgeous landscape!

  4. Es ist sehr schade, dass ein so schöner Garten viel zu nah an einer sehr lauten Strasse (oder Autobahn ?) liegt. Dieser Garten sollte Ruhe ausstrahlen. Aber bei diesem Autolärm vermisst man Ruhe, auch die innere Ruhe kann sich nicht einstellen.

  5. Lovely mature trees with great spacing, conifers too thats the look we are just creating now but on a much smaller scale.
    Did you use any ground cover ?

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