Vegetable Gardening

Importance of gardening – Gardening ideas – Vegetable gardening – Climate Debate

This is my take on the Importance of gardening, hopefully, will give everyone a few Gardening ideas to do our bit and give nature a chance #ClimateDebate

Just a Shropshire Lad, doing a bit on the days when he can because… #AnyoneCanGarden #InvisibleDisability

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  1. It keeps me happy and not feeling low! It's my me time away from the busy family! I make sure I have a few flowers on my plot for the bee's! I'm lucky in the next field there are 6 beehives 🙂 It keeps my sister who has brain cancer active and positive, her plot is her little piece of heaven! I'm also lucky enough to have a back garden that is full of flowers (and a small pond) so lots of bugs, dragon/damson flies, butterflies bee's wasps!

  2. Thank you Ross, as much as i like potato reveals and getting advice on growing certain plants, this is the most important gardening video i have ever watched!

  3. we are a piece of a jigsaw and depend on all forms of life for our survival and insects are a crucial part of that jigsaw, great video Ross

  4. Thank you for sharing Ross, I am hoping to get an allotment this year, even a though of it makes me so happy already. Ive been on a waiting list for a year now but Im not loosing hope.
    You are so passionate about your allotment and you can tell straight away that you just love nature.
    Thank you for helpful advice.
    For me having an allotment would help with day to day stress, keep me active and healthy. It would also bring back so many happy memories of my grandparents who were passionate gardeners.

  5. Hi Ross, here in Guyana, i am going to have to face a tough battle presenting kitchen gardens as a crucial approach to food security. I will need your personal discussions… how can I contact you…

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