Container Gardening

Extremely Productive Container Garden Update, Container Garden Harvest, End Of Year Review

Abundance In Small Spaces, Massively Productive Container Garden – Container Gardening
This is patio gardening on a budget, I promised earlier this year that I would do a series on container gardens based on how we used to grow when we didn’t have access to a garden. I’ll demonstrate just how much food can be grown in a tiny amount of space all on an extremely low budget. This is patio gardening on a budget
A lot of these ideas are ideal for a balcony garden, no need for fancy or expensive planters grow with what’s available.
Extremely Productive Container Garden Update, Container Garden Harvest, End Of Year Review

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  1. With your bean arch predicament, I would suggest building the frame outside the tub with maybe a scaffold pole or two as the main part to attach the rest of the frame to?

  2. Nice late harvest of vegetables😎 Like you I grow quite a lot in containers & getting the used compost back into a good growing medium over Winter is essential, I'll be doing as you say & mixing some rotted kitchen & garden waste into it. Great to see the kids taking an interest in gardening. Thanks for the video.

  3. Great to see that your family is involved in the harvest. Blessings 🙏✌️

  4. It has been a great year for tomatoes, aubergines, peppers and melons in my garden too. Lovely to see the enthusiastic young gardeners!

  5. Did you drill holes in the bottom of the bath and what combination soil do you use in it for drainage ? Love the coriander 🌿

  6. this really was a great Tomato year also cabbage are looking about ready I have two rows 16 plants,my wife who is yes german will be making sauerkraut , not a joke she will be making sauerkraut ,spuds bit strange the first 3 or four rows ready to harvest,the ones at the back still lush and green.. as I said on your live show at the weekend,and my peas were just NOTHING I don't know what went wrong there? bad soil? too much water not enough water I don't know's a learning process ,happy harvesting my friend !

  7. You don't need a big space to start growing and saving LOTS of money! Great video!

  8. So pleased to see such a great harvest! I’ve really enjoyed growing in containers this year – you’ve just reminded me to sow more lettuce! I’ve got some Winter Density, so I’ll go with that 😊👍. Lovely to see the children harvesting carrots, aubergines & beans!

  9. I was of the opinion that I'd planted some peppers but they were of the opinion that they were actually chillis – which made for an interesting salad! They're all turning red now – should I harvest and freeze them?

    Can you recommend an easy and productive squash to grow. This year I tried honeyboat, pattypan and butternut which have been very disappointing in what they've produced. Two tiny pattypan, three honeyboats and zero butternut. They were planted near to the beans. What am I doing wrong?

    I'm about to cut down my bean plants. They're in a raised bed. Should I just leave the cuttings and put compost on top?

    Thanks again for your really useful videos.

  10. If you grow cabbages in high fertility soil then you can repeat crop them by harvesting the first head but leave as much leaf on the stalk which should remain in the ground ,after a few weeks lots of little cabbages will start to grow for later harvest , good luck

  11. Salam, If you are a bit worried about the papers and they are in pots just put them inside near the window they will continue growing and producing.

  12. Oh brilliant peppers! I’ve never tried those, but I’ve had an amazing harvest of much stuff. Can’t wait to see if I’ve got turmeric and ginger. Also grew a second crop of potatoes – planted end July, had the first new potatoes this week! It works folks, but the ones in the ground seem to be going to be better than the tubs. Also fab carrot harvest from a tub.

  13. What a great idea using containers with plastic lids! That’s why we need you to keep going! Knowledge shared 😘

  14. I bought a cheap £12 arch from eBay strengthened it with wire right the way over, put a central post well into the ground each end and cable tied it. Had a huge bean harvest, lots of gales in Wales but it’s still standing. Beans sheltered in the middle are still growing!

  15. Your fabulous garden reminds me of a house I used to pass going to and from work. The older Jamaican man had it crammed with veg, chickens and even had a goat! I totally loved it, watching what was growing and coming into season. I've started on my own back garden now, got a raised bed and some containers. Thank you and others like you for giving so much information and inspiration 😊

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