Edible Gardening

How To Be A Successful High-Rise Indoor Edible Gardener | Community Garden Festival 2020

Want to grow edible plants in your high-rise apartments but concerned about space constraints or the lack of sunlight?

Check out this video where our gardening expert Dr Wilson Wong shares how you can use grow lights and self-watering containers to make gardening in high-rise apartments a lot easier!

This video is part of our virtual activities for Community Garden Festival 2020. Themed “Gardening with Edibles”, the Festival will take on a virtual format with a myriad of fun-filled activities that you can enjoy in the comfort of your homes.

For more information on Community Garden Festival, visit https://www.nparks.gov.sg/gardening/community-garden-festival

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  1. Dr Wilson, is all veg need 12 hour..what u mean by at least 12 hour if lights.
    Meaning If ON 24 hour.. also no problem?

    In most of your clips, 4 hour of sunlight. Mean, no matter what,cannot replace LED light?

    Was told on some forum.. they says 7 hour of lights can already. Coz.they will be "stressful" if "work" 24 hour.

    Is it true?
    Thank you Dr Wilson

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