
LEAF MINERS: How to Control Leafminer Pests in Plants – Beginners Garden Tips Q & A

Todays Q and A video is on What are Leaf Miners and How to organically Control or eliminate these leaf miner infesting your plants.

What are Leafminers?
Leafminers are very tiny larvae of a variety of insects like flies, moths and beetles. Leafminers do not actually cause major injury to the infested plant, but rather give an unattractive zig zag type of leaf mined look to the plant. The leaf miner larvae live inside of the leaves, feeding on the soft, inner plant tissue found between the upper and lower sides of the leaf. This mining pattern of zig zag lines on the leaves are produced as they eat along the infested leaves.
These can be seen in any plants in your garden, particularly common if you are growing tomatoes and other vegetables.
Although leafminers rarely kill or seriously injure a plant, it will give it an unpleasant appearance and hence their control or elimination is important. Also they can be destructive to young plants and seedlings if infested. If plant is too much infested, it can end up in leaf drying or plant drying. Also if it is an edible plant it can be a frustration for the home gardener looking forward to enjoying the vegetables of his labors!
Well now lets look at Leafminer Control – please watch video.

leafminer, pestcontrol, gardenpests, plantpests

(I am a medical doctor with hobby as gardening)

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  1. Very helpful video 🙂 I have small worms growing and eating my tomato leaves..will the neem oil solution work to kill them ?

  2. Hello great video very helpful. Just used this on our tomatoes today. Hoping for a good result. By the way should we spray the plants with this everyday?

  3. Interesting…your videos are very scientific..very good..keep it up and spread this beneficial knowledge so that everyone every layman is able to deal with plants..🙏

  4. Thank you sooo much!! I couldn’t figure out what was going on with my squash leaves…I’ve been searching for some time now!!! I’m soo happy I came across your channel!! Now I can go treat my plant..yaaayyyy!!

  5. It's lockdown and I don't have neem oil but i boiled neem leaves along with garlic and sprayed on the leaves, but it's not working!!! Pls gimme tips to save my plants(tomato n pumpkin) 😖😖😖

  6. Hello! is it safe to use neem oil on edible plant leaves like spinach? Or lettuce? Should i remove soap from the mixture?

  7. Thank you for this video. I have become a big fan of this page. They do not sell neem oil or eucalyptus oil. Can I please use vegetable oil.

  8. I'm growing red,green,yellow,orange peppers, cucumbers, and romaine lettuce and I saw this on my orange and red peppers… I didn't know what to do because this is my first time starting a garden. But also my yellow pepper have white spots on the top of the stem and its spreading to the leaves… Do u know what I should do?

  9. Hello sir please advise if I can put dried Neem leaves on top of soil as I have lot of Neem leaves falling on my terrace every day.. please advise…I'm facing this leaf miner problem in my tomato plant. So as you said it is disheartening to see that white patch on my leaves…so please respond

  10. The best part of this video is when he says "resulting in their demise." My mind immediately went to what a super villain would say out of an old comic book.
    Nevertheless this was a very edifying video. I have a lemon tree plant growing and one of the leaves had this on it. THANK YOU!!!

  11. Superb, short and with full info. Unlike other channels who stretch the vdo for 15 mins, sans the actual information.
    Tysm sir

  12. Very great video! My cucumbers has this kind of issue and now the plant has little cucumbers, can i use it this recipe and can i eat cucumbers after it??or it will be a poisoned harvest??

  13. Neem Oil foes nothing , i sprayed 5 ml per liter to 10 ml per liter 1500 ppm every day for 15 days , nothing happened.
    Neem oil does not work at all in Leaf miner.

    Only Bavaria Basania TMB work little bit till temperature is not more than 30 degree Celsius.

  14. What about your 10 drops formula ? That is a combination of Neem oil+Clove oil+Eucalyptus Oil+liquid soap solution. Please I need the answer immediately.

  15. I'm glad I watched this video…..I saw these white lines on methi leaves 🤨🤨

  16. Sir how will i know that leaf miners are gone from the plant?? Because there are still those lines on my plant leaves after doing the treatment

  17. Leaf miners harming my lemon trees they need to die, I just did not want to hurt the bees that are so important to our plants, bees are in a decline.

  18. Thanks so much iv been using Diatomaceous Earth with not much results. Hopefully this Neem Oil will do the trick. Thank you again for the knowledge.

  19. I enjoyed your video. Very informative. Was wondering if Dawn soap and water would have the same results. Thank you in advance for your reply.

  20. No use of this method ….. I had remove all the affected leaves and spray neem oil spray…even after this it doesn't stop

  21. I'm rarely home in late afternoon or evening. Hoping the morning application doesn't do more harm then good.

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