Backyard Garden

Dog Friendly Backyard (No MUDDY Paws)

Dog Friendly Backyard (No MUDDY Paws)

Create a backyard that is mud free. In this video you will see tips on how to create a dog friendly backyard. An Outdoor Space for all including your pet.

I hope you enjoy it.

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Thanks for joining Paradise Restored, Micah Dennis – the Outdoor Living Guy for a Dog Friendly Backyard. We are happy to answer questions and help you design/build your landscape space. Have you seen the latest 2020 landscapes in our Portfolio? See the before and after photos in each one. See over 140 backyards – reversed and transformed.

That’s a wrap.



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  1. This is perfect. My back yard is suffering right now.
    I love your videos and would love to see what designs your company could come up for me. Closest office is Portland though

  2. These videos would be better if you could inform us approximately how much this would cost and maybe go in depth about how much of each item we would need to make this. Also these are some very beautiful yards, but is there something we can do that still looks great but is also budget friendly?

  3. Just under this video is an ad for Roundup. Show me a video for a Roundup free outdoor living space and I would be interested.
    Having grown up down the street from Monsanto's chemical plant in Sauget Illinois, I go next week to see how my liver cancer is responding to the radiation beads.
    Most home owners will have Roundup available so their yards will look good and their kids can play in it. Of the eight homes around me all eight spray with chemicals!

  4. that is far from pet friendly. running on concrete is bad for their joints, also if they play rough, theres danger of injury. rocks are not comfortable for dogs to walk on, especially older dogs… injury waiting to happen. this is a perfect example of a back yard for people who have no business having pets.

  5. What to do about the inevitable odor you get from repeated use of the pea gravel? We have gravel for our dogs but it smells like urine over time. Tips?

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