Garden Plans

Hardy vegetables I'm growing outdoors from October

The last of the summer crops are harvested and time to replace them with lots of lovely winter crops. We’re adding to the raised beds and planters today and planting a little bit more in the greenhouse.
It might be getting cold and our first frosts might be approaching, but there is still a whole lot of growing and sowing going on this October.

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  1. Very nice bean harvest, Eli, I haven't done that in a while jump on the top of my bed LOL.. I have to remember to put some land cress in. I heard they're great as a sacrifice crop for brassicas. I like your soil bag garden. It's cheap and easy to whip up and plant. Yes, your spring onions are on steroids LOL. When you say pea shoots, do you use any pea seeds? I would like to do that. Great video.

  2. You just brighten my day! Interesting to see how you prepare for your winter. Here in Colorado, USA I do it a bit differently because our extremes here are way bigger than you experience. I just had to literally take out everything and mulch my raised bed soils. lol….yep, a bit different. I suppose I could grow some hearty leafy greens and garlic, but in addition to the approaching harsh winter my daughter and I are moving out of state early next spring, so everything is topsy-turvy this year. Anyway, thanks for bringing us along for your prep day today. Hope you and everyone has a great week!

  3. Hi Jane, love the chickens being in the polytunnel doing some great work for you. Good idea breaking dien tyding in steps as this dors show how quickly you can get jobs done. Thanks for sharing and take care 🙂

  4. I've got to remember to order the Sprite beans for next year they looked superb. Planted my garlic and onions today and I think I'm going to make a further raised bed in the garden for next year as they do tend to monopolise the current beds. Also planted the Growbags in the greenhouse with Pak Choi as per your brilliant suggestion last week. Growbags were slightly tricky to find presumably as they are usually sold for tomatoes in spring and early summer. On the plus side when I finally tracked some down at Homebase they were a third of there normal price. Win win!

  5. Loved today's video, just tried to get on the link to the magazine, it let me subscribe, but can't get any further. Can't check out your beetroot crisps recipe sadly

  6. I hear you about not following people on the internet. The weather most videos show is not the same as our weather. You get some of the worst, so I often use you as a guide though. If YOU can get it to grow for you, surely I can get them to grow here! 🙂

  7. Loved this video Eli, now I'm going to sow some winter spring onions. I thought I was too late! As you've got stuff growing over winter, when will you do your greenhouse clean Eli? x

  8. Fab video 👍

    Still lots to be doing and growing at this time of year.

    I’ve been so slow at getting going this Autumn and need to get my finger out!

  9. I always enjoy your videos so much Kate. Thank you for all your good tips. Will defo try the sprite beans next year. Just out of interest, you mentioned you harvested 6 baskets of beans in total. How many plants did you have to plant to give you that yield?

  10. More like fill the cold frame here🤣. Froze couple nights ago. Just finished freezing most of the Brussels sprouts today. The pumpkins are hanging out in the greenhouse waiting for the roaster and then I’m Done! But Wait! I have carrots yet—sigh.
    I do have a couple beds with late planting of carrots, beets and kohlrabi that is covered with plastic and hope they get to maturity.
    Next will be bundling all the new fruit plants because I think we are in for a very cold winter. We have some panels they use for building walk-in freezers and will try to build a semi above ground root cellar and a cold frame. I so hope to grow lettuce this winter somehow because tired of the recalls.
    Loved the update and keep gardening on!😊
    Oh, and I just ordered some of that bug netting you use because it took forever to clean most of the brussels as the cabbage butterflies weren’t just flying around for fun 😅. Never used before so definitely trying it.
    🤣🤣I think the spring onions are leeks😂
    Yes, garlic takes room. I ordered variety pack and we will have plenty. After Gardener Scott mentioned replanting same garlics from harvest I shouldn’t have to purchase ever again…I have a lot. My husband thinks I started a plantation 🤣. So I just chose a space and threw whatever compost I had and mounded it up on the ground as I don’t have too many beds made yet. We have sand that is literally dust so I will have to lay wood/logs along sides and mulch so the soil doesn’t melt away.😅

  11. I’m planning on putting onion sets and garlic between winter salads. I’m hoping that I’ve remembered timings. 🤞onions/garlic start to bulb up in spring when my winter greens will be done.

  12. Hi Eli. Lovely informative video. Can you please advise where you've put your recipe for beetroot crisps – can't find it, hun, but I'd love to try to make them. Many thanks Jan 🙂

  13. I totally forgot to succession sow carrots 🥕 and garlic just arrived to go in. Frost has come lightly, but there are several peppers and tomatoes still growing outside that have my hawk eyes watching for color changing. Peas – yes, they’re loving this weather and LESS PESTS is fabulous

  14. Nice video. I'm a bit jealous of course because my first frost leads to a first freeze, then a hard freeze and temps below -20C. I'd love to have winter crops.

  15. Your spring onions are the same as mine & my husband thought they were leeks! Received the garlic from Kings last week and planted it yesterday at the allotment. But you are so right, it blocks growing space for a long time. We too have pea shoots but this year we are also trying field beans to eat their shoots and use the rest of the plant as green manure (have to check at which stage). My problem is not knowing when to add manure/compost in our attempt to grow around all through the year.
    Looking forward to another excellent instalment. C

  16. Wow Eli I'm going to try those beans next year. I grew Blue Lake, they were ok but not as prolific as yours. How are you doing for aphids, all my veg plants have them, little swines are crawling over the soil too. Must have been the hot summer as never had them before. Here in Scotland we're just not used to the heat are we lol. Love you using a T shirt as a cameraman. 🤣🤣 Have a brilliant week Eli and Kate, cant wait for the next vlog.

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