
How to become a great gardener! Hints, Tips and advice from a seasoned Pro!!

How to become a great garderener!

1. Be realistic.
2. Learn from others.
3.Grow what you like.
4.Get experience.
5. Dont get over zealous.
6.Be prepared for things to not go according to plan.
7.Learn what grows well in your conditions.
8.Learn about crops that give good returns.
9.Actually eat your produce.
10. Have fun.
How to grow your own food. Allotments, Gardening, Gardens,
How to grow your own. Growing your own produce. Food production. Gardening motivation.


  1. Hey Dan, not only do I think this is the best video you have done, I actually think it's the best gardening video I have seen. It's all sound advice and all very true. well done

  2. Dan, I think number 9 and 10 are the best. Though all of them are very good suggestions for a beginner/new gardener. Sometimes people can be so serious, that they forget to have fun. And they grow "what so and so grows", why, they don't really know, only that "so and so" grows it. Grow what you like and eat it, you will enjoy your garden even more. Also enjoy your fireside chats. Thanks for sharing. Have a great today! Catherine

  3. Your wonderful and gentle with the advice with lots of consideration. I like the cosy chats by your log fire. I liked the last advice. Gardening is my therapy, it helps divert things in my head and reduce depression and anxiety, also I only grow things that I like to eat and try one or two different things a year. Hope you do a clip on Brussel sprouts, my ones look like miniature Brussel sprouts without the sprouts??¿¿?? Not sure why. I still have them to wait and see what happens, but I was sad not to have any sprouts for Christmas. Will watch this clip again because there was a lot of good advice, thank you Dan 🕊️

  4. Hello, I’ve seen you melon videos. Have you tried and had any success with honeydews? I’m in Yorkshire but have a south facing garden and a polytunnel

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