Gardening Supplies

Gardener Pricing Guide: HOW to Price gardening works – DON'T make my mistakes

A open and honest chat how to work my pricing for garden maintenance and services in the uk. As a self employed UK gardener for nearly 10 years I’ll tell you about what I did wrong and right with my business. Follow along with top tips on how and what to charge for gardening services in the uk.


  1. Very informative my good man 👍👍. I will be doing some price increases for the incoming year. I have adopted the attitude, that if people really value your services, there will be no QUIBBLING about pricing. As always, "KEEP THY STANDARDS HIGH ". Regards Jim from J.S.G.S N.IRELAND 🏡🌳🌳🌳🚛💪💪

  2. Great video. Like you say 'Dont be a cheap fool'. Let the fool do the cheap work,but keep your prices and standards high.

  3. I’ve only recently gotten started and I’m asking £20 ph or £150 day rate I’m not a “bob” hows my aim?

  4. Thanks for all the tips Chris 😊 just starting my own gardening business so all this is very helpful to me

  5. Started out a few months ago. Best explanation of charging I’ve seen yet. Everything made sense. I’ve been undercharging rather a lot. Biggest issue is underestimating how long a job will take. It’s all a learning curve and it’s rather steep at the moment. Thanks for the informative video, I’ve a lot to think about now 👍🏻

  6. Thanks for the sound advice Chris , 9 months into my gardening journey I've nearly made all the mistakes you talk about 😀 but hopefully I'll learn from them . keep up the good work really appreciate the video's 👍 PS any advice on vans I have a pick up at the mo which isn't great for lifting gear in and out

  7. Great video, I come from the same background, shocked at the cost I come out with when I add all the variables. Not having the conference to stand behind my price

  8. Thanks for taking the time to explain your ideas based on experience. I am currently looking to transition into a garden business. I work part time and would like to create extra income from up to three days a week. I have the experience and qualifications in horticulture but not the experience of going solo.

  9. Great video mate you should boost this up on the group for people setting off in business now👍 you’re right lots of things people forget like cord etc that costs money.

  10. This is a brilliant video ive only recently just started out but now ive come to realise i am bob! 😭😂😭😂😭😂😭

  11. Great honest video and I fully understand the diy thinking of make do and mend. It can hold us back when working for others etc. A lot of information in this video for sure. Thanking you

  12. Hi, first time I watch one of your videos. For sure I will watch more. I'm in the process of start a gardening and landscape business and I did find your video extremely helpful. Just one more thing witch part of the country are you? Looks lovely over there😁. Thank you very much

  13. Thank you. Very helpful. I have been in horticulture for over 30 years. Always been employed. Only through the pandemic I started up on my own. Had advice and help with business plan and minimal help through uc. There's still more to learn and you've answered all the questions for me perfectly. I shall take this all on board as my business grows.

  14. Thanks for the breakdown. I'm moving to the UK from Australia and getting my head around the culture is the most helpful thing helping me shape my expectations and pricing.


  15. Only starting out and is there any way you could give me a rough estimate of what I should charge say for 100 yard double sided 6 ft beech hedge. I’m totally at sea so some pointer would be a great help to me. Your video is excellent and will be a great helpful going forward. I charge €60/ hr for lawn care, can you give me an equivalent for hedging? Thanks.

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