Garden Plans

Fall Yard & Garden Plans and Update

What a windy fall day we have here today! It’s time to look around, realize the mess from the shed isn’t going away and get started working on it!
Where the shed was before I have built a quick little compost area but I still need to move the tumbling compost sifter over to it’s new position. There will be a large bare patch opened up after I transfer the old compost to the new one so I was thinking I should build some raised beds there. I’ve joked many times about how that ratty old shed got the best sunlight in the whole yard …
However, I was watching a bunch of Rob Bobs videos on wicking barrels and I think that’s what I’ll put there instead. That way when it comes time to move, they can be easily moved as well. That gets a little harder with raised beds …
I started to pull plants out of the gnome garden and will be bringing them inside once I find a place to put them. It would be wonderful to get some second year pepper plants, as last years attempts didn’t make it through.
I guess I will need to cover up that gnome garden for the winter but I’m thinking that I’ll wait until more leaves fall and then cover up the garden with those!
Anyway, thanks for watching!

Have you checked out any of the other channels lately?
JTs Bearfoot Outdoor Adventures-
Bear InTheKitchen-
BlondCo Entertainment-
Clean Valley Farms-

Why not check out the blogs?
Bearfoot Outdoors-


  1. I tried the wicking buckets, totes etc a lot of different ways and was not happy with the results.  Stick with mother nature and grow in soil, water at the base. plants just like it better that way. If those raised beds get enough sun during the winter it might be worth it to put up a small hoop house and add some perennials, @OneYardRevolution has great vids on small hoop house designs worth a check.   peppers are pretty hardy, I think they will make it…   good luck great vid, keepin in touch.

  2. For your raised beds you can build a mini hoop "greenhouse". If you heard of such a think, I'd imagine you have already.You build it to the size of the width and length of your grow beds and lay it on top.

  3. Totally off the subject (but the last clip of the fish made me think of it): do you do any water changes on your aquaponics system, or do you just top off? I ask because I've been dealing with some fish health issues, and I haven't been very diligent on changing out the water in the past. Do you ever have any fish deaths?

  4. I put two feet of leaves on my raised grow beds…its helping kill off all the weeds so I don't have to weed them and then I am just going to till them in come spring. Not sure if it's a good idea…it is my first year with dirt beds.

  5. Hey JT..
    Am interested in seeing what your thoughts are on wicking the totes up.. Are you thinking the slotted pipe or are you looking to use things like rocks such in the reservoir?  
    Would be good to see you get some peppers through to give you a head start next season too (Y) 

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