Japanese Garden

Japanese Garden Designer 大北 望 Interview with Mr. Nozomi Okita

We are pleased to have our new video series: Tale of RoHoEn (鷺鳳園物語)with you funded and made possible by a grant from The Japan Foundation Center for Global Partnership.

The interviews with Mr. Okita, RoHoEn’s lead designer, and Mr. Kanechika, the Director of KoKoEn, were conducted and filmed by our director, Reiko Yasui Reavis, during the summer of 2020.

RoHoEn appreciates the relationship with our Sister Garden, KoKoEn (好古園) in Himeji Japan to continue to provide authentic educational and cultural programs to the community.

1) Mr Satoru Kanechika, Director of KoKoen (好古園) interview

2) Mr.Nozomi Okita, Designer of KoKoEn (好古園) explanation about streams

3) Mr.Nozomi Okita, Designer, of KoKoEn (好古園) explanation about stones and waterfall

4) Mr.Nozomi Okita, Designer of KoKoEn (好古園)explanation about lanterns

5) Mr. Nozomi Okita, Designer of KoKoEn (好古園) Interview

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