Garden Plans

2012 Garden Plans, Tagged by Paula

Jackie (JaxRL) wants to know everyones garden plans for 2012, so she tagged Paula (Allen2045), who in turned pointed her finger at me. Since Verizon has me throttled and I can’t watch videos half the time, I’ll go ahead and play along. This is an early idea of what my plans are…until the weather changes them of course. 😉

Also, please remember Curtis from the Bayou Gardener Forum in your prayers as he’s about to undergo some serious back surgery.


  1. @texasprepper2 Yep…OP corns are just not much good for eating. Hybrids are much better. I've gotta make a change already. Forgot about the Celebrity seeds. I'll drop a row of Homestead. Are you gonna make your gardens "skunk proof"? LOL

  2. @Savemyplant I dont know the brand, but I get them from discount-hydro out your way. You can get them cheaper than me cuz the shipping would be less.

  3. @mediamaker2000 I get the Strike beans from Morgan County Seed..real good folks to do business with. I have 10# of seed. I'll trade you some snaps for the peas..fair enough? Plus whatever the cost difference is. The peas are more expensive.

  4. @mhpgardener I only bought 3 small packets. You bought quantity so I'm sure you got the better deal that way. These are shelling peas though so ya know. I'll send a packet your way this week. I appreciate the swap!

  5. @mhpgardener Your prize is a lie-in on a morning of your choice…except a Monday morning because what you do on a Monday morning determines what you'll do the rest of the week.

  6. Gardening – Something you know a little about?!?!?! LOL

    I don't know Curtis, but I will definitely add him and his family to my prayer list. My dad had back surgery about 7 years ago, so I know about what his family is going through. It's very tough to watch, especially the first few days post surgery, but I hope Curtis' end result is as good as my dads was. He has no regrets having his surgery done.

  7. @mhpgardener I doubt that any heirloom crosses that I would have, would worry me, but it's been so long since I studied my seed saving, that I couldn't remember if all plants should be separated, and if most were self pollinating, which of course would change things. Thanks for the reminder, and I guess it's back to my seed saving book huh. Oh, and I got my grow bags, thanks!

  8. @Learning2homestead Last report, surgery went fine. Curtis is at home healing, just a bit sore. He'll be gardening again in no time !

  9. @rotoclip That back stuff is nothing to play around with for sure. Hopefully his heals up in a hurry.

  10. Ive recently signed up for the Bayou gardener forums. I love it! Have not had the chance to post anything yet but I enjoy reading what is already there! Good stuff!

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