Gardening Trends

Ultimate Try Not to Say Hol'Up – V101

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Welcome to my channel, here we create high quality internet memes and trends with transformative editing and voice over in the video. The content in the videos are created, edited and given commentary by me. To see high quality memes in Dark Mode and most importantly edited with the actual meme videos or audios which can’t be found anywhere in the internet make sure you subscribe to my Channel


  1. 2:22 Sounds like a good night to watch some memes.😉
    4:22 And the best part is, both those quotes could have been from the same person.😏
    6:59 If it's one of those places that let you get your own drink.😜
    10:54 Well played.😊

  2. “dentists after inventing british people”
    they must be broke, britain has 4th highest DMFT score
    get your crappy stereotypes right

  3. 2:28 is messed up and they should have air something else if they were to air it after the queen's funeral like something that’s British like the Aardman films like Chicken Run or Flushed Away or Wallace & Gromit those films are way better than The Emoji Movie.

  4. 6:32 That's something which I only discovered recently: people really stress out over eating alone in a restaurant? There's like this whole thing where some people think it's a sign of loneliness and others claim it's some kind of proof of character which requires confidence and self assuredness or some such. And I'm over here like "… wait, what?" You know, I get that I score really high on the PCL-R and therefore there's all kinds of emotional turmoil that other people go through and I never will but… really? Like that's somehow daunting for you?

    Like for some of them they're fearful about being perceived as lonely – so they're really timid about the prospect. Others have those same fears but they do it anyway as a way to to rebel against their perception of social values. So both are still effected by some kind of stigma regarding the activity itself and are responding to that stigma in different ways. Meanwhile – I like it more when I eat alone. I can just turn my cell phone on airplane mode, enjoy the quiet and my food. I also prefer a sit down diner, preferably when there isn't a lot of people in it. Lights not too bright, calm atmosphere. Just sit and relax, no bickering or shouting or distractions.

    The idea, just even the concept, of being fearful, timid, intimidated of eating alone in a restaurant due to fear of the perception of others is so outside my realm of experience that it took me hours and hours of googling papers and studies and videos about the subject before I actually accepted it as anything but a fictitious meme. Going out, alone, to go eat – by myself – at a restaurant like a sit down diner is something I've treated as a kind of treat for myself, a reward, that's me "wasting" money which I would otherwise be more thrifty about by cooking at home. That's a literal reward that I give to myself for stowing away extra money from work or taking care of a bunch of responsibilities and getting a head enough to have the free time and free money to go waste $30 – $40 on a single meal.

    To genuinely care so much about how others perceive you – that you'd be fearful of eating alone in a restaurant is literally so alien to me that I genuinely didn't believe that was a fucking thing. The notion that other people would perceive me as lonely or alone or something some such – not once even occurred to me. Ever. The notion never entered my mind. I literally spent 3-4 hours reading and reading and watching videos after the first time I came across that, I just did not believe so many people were so fucking weak that they'd be fearful of being seen eating alone – due to what perception others could have of them in doing so.

    I swear, it's the fuckin' balloon meme from aol days. "Everyone's afraid of being seen eating alone: except for anon, he doesn't give a shit."

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