Gardening Supplies

May Gardening Checklist: 19 Tips to Keep Your Organic Garden Healthy in May

Summer is right around the corner and May is a great chance to get some last minute prep done in your garden. Watch this video for some tips on how to get your garden ready in May.

Organic gardening, homesteading, farming, lifestyle & how-to videos from Peaceful Valley Farm & Garden Supply.

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  1. I live just SE of Atlanta . This ""Winter" was so warm, I got Mosquito bit at least twice a week, straight through!
    Great Tips! Thanks Much!

  2. thank you. We love your website. we're in Zone 10b. Will have to look up what kind of fertilizer onion needs…

  3. Great video – we're in Ohio zone 6 (I think lol ) and have had a garden for 4 years (moved to this place 5 yrs ago) – it's not organic but we DO NOT use anything but water, egg shells, epson salt in our garden, put cardboard down then cover with mulch, leaves and/or grass clippings (oh and we do have a composter). I've subscribed and would like to invite you over to check our place out 🙂 We have live streams every Monday night at 9pm – maybe you could consider being one of our "guests" one Monday night?

  4. Thanks for the tips!!! I have an abundance of grasshoppers this year..more than I've ever seen before…and my trusted old groundhog friend is happily living in my back yard…I will look into the products you shared to keep them at bay. Thanks again for the information!!!

  5. Do potatoes count as a summer plant I live in Arizona and I would like to plant some summer plants and it gets really hot in Arizona

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