Container Gardening

Growing Zucchini TIPS Rabbit SURPRISE Daily Squash Harvest Container Gardening, Cardboard Box Garden

Morning Vlog in the Garden & Never See Rabbit Behavior like this(?); a One day harvest of Zucchini, squash and cucumber and sun-gold Tomatoes. Passing some along to friends to enjoy Mother Nature’s Food Creations.

Here are the SAME Solar Fountain Kits I buy for our Yard and this is an affiliated/aff. link to the company:

Here is a Company that I buy from for tubing for the SOLAR FOUNTAIN Kits, this is an aff. link to their site, the size I get is (5/16″ ID x 7/16″ OD) which this aff. link will take you right to:

Best Price I have found for TULLE. This is TULLE that Great Fabric SO CHEAP and last years outside here, here is an aff. link to check out, many colors, I usually get one of the greens, but any color will work great:

Soldering Iron works for making holes in buckets and totes, this is an aff. link to someone I have purchased a soldering iron from:

Video of Fountain with No Solar Pump used:

This is a pump that works off a Power Bank unit, (like a phone Charger) no solar needed:

Grow Tomatoes EASY DIY Tomato Plant Stake Connectors Trellis/Cage for Container Garden or Raised Bed
#containergardening #robbieandgarygardeneasy


  1. I went to the far side of my garden today to get a picture of my chocolate cherry sunflower and found a surprise zucchini! The first ive grown in many years it was a little smaller than the one you gave away

  2. Great video and nice harvest. I have bunnies here also. Might be the same ones my dog rescued a few years ago. They live under the shed. Have a great evening and happy gardening 🌿🌱🍉🥔🧄🫑🥕🍆🌽🥦🧅🥬🍅🐝🐝🐝😊🤗😘🥰

  3. I love your ideas Robbie, keep them coming! I also think about this stuff at night and it keeps me awake too, I just have to step away sometimes because I get too worked up.

  4. Hi Robbie I love Zucini I fry it with some olive oil when it’s cooked I crack couple of eggs on it and some dried mint and black pepper try it it’s yummy

  5. $12.95 for an iceberg lettuce here in Tasmania today about $8 us.(I tend not to eat them during winter much) Due to floods and bad cold weather in Northern NSW and QLDs so more folk need grow more for them so they caneat what you grow!! I wonder if that rabbit was getting minerals from the water straight out of the containers you had just watered.
    So strange that you are having powdery mildew problems I never thought that would be an issue in California. Oh did not know you could freeze zucchini thank you for that. Is it still Ok for pan frying after defrosted?

  6. I dug up some green beans plants and threw them on top of my Elephant ears and they took off ! I can’t believe that works . Thank you Robbie , going to start my own soil soon.

  7. Hi Robbie, I love watching your videos and love your energy, I have built 2 solar bubblers one from a bucket and 1 from a plastic shoebox with a smaller container on top and the birds (hummingbirds and other) don't want anything to do with it. What am I doing wrong??

  8. All I have that I can eat right now is basil,mint,scallions. Can't wait for my tomatoes and peppers,plenty of flowers but no veggies yet.

  9. I’ve had unbelievable results using tulle. My lettuce bed is producing like crazy without all the bugs bothering the produce! Thank you
    You have a faithful fan here😁

  10. I just planted my bucket garden 4 days ago using your tips and the cucumber is already an inch tall I'm amazed ! I put weeds on bottom some paper rolls and vegetables scraps then dirt like I watched you do . Can't wait to see what I grow this summer . My daughter loves all that im growing so we will definitely eat what we grow . Thank you so much for all your help with our garden 😊

  11. I loved the extra large Zucchinis. What I do is wash them, cut the end off, stuff them with hamburger and a mixture of Jimmy Dean's Sausage, grated squash, tomato sauce, chopped tomatoes and whatever herbs that are available. I top off with cheese, freeze one half and eat the other half. Best thing ever and we have some for another meal.

  12. I cannot cut the totes lids for my hoods. Hands are not strong enough to use scissors. Any suggestions as far as a tool to cut them with?

  13. My cucumber and squash are growing in totes that are composting in place. The leaves are yellow! I've added beans to the soil to add some nitrogen. And my plants are slow growing. What else can I do? I am in Houston and it's been super hot too and everything is getting full sun.

  14. Hi Robbie – I can't thank you enough for all you have taught me – I do have a question rearding growing zucchini and yellow squash. Can you tell me why my plants have an abundance of male blossoms and no female? Plants look healthy but nothing is being pollenated – help!

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