Gardening Supplies

Mittleider Gardening Method: The Big Lie

LDS Prepper PREMIUM Micro-Nutrient Mix:
– LDS Prepper Premium Plant Micro Nutrients
– Mittleider Gardening Course Book
– Heirloom Garden Seeds
– Berkey Water Filters
– Off-Grid Portable Solar Generator

The Mittleider gardening method uses natural mineral fertilizers to maximize the plant growth, health, fruit productivity and fruit nutrient levels. But many people call natural mineral fertilizers chemicals because they come in a fertilizer bag. Where do chemicals come from? How are they made? Are chemicals destroying the soil, killing beneficial microbes, leaching into watering systems, growing nutrient deficient fruit? Find out about the big lie and start growing your best garden ever.


  1. I always wonder why people care so much. To each his own, just grow your own already. The perfect method is the one you will do.

  2. This is pure garbage. If you want to learn the truth watch Curtis Stone or Fortier. When you waste listener time trying to convince people your legit and that all chemicals are the same your a fraud. FACT, everything is chemical……the problem is he doesn't mention how those chemicals are produced or how sustainable they are. This guy is pure evil, no better then a used car salesman.

  3. The proof is in the results!!! I live in a region where it's hard to grow a lot of the different vegetable plants and trees. I started my garden using organic methods, animal feces, comfrey tea, compost, cardboard excetera, then slowly switching over to the Mittleider type method. I completely understand what this man is talking about the "Mittleider method". A few years into gardening it makes much more sense knowing what my plants are getting, how much , and more importantly, "What they need" , and though some might complain," Science doesn't know everything" ,the proof is in the results, and I go with the results verses," Hope and pray" , Im tired of that. Although I've had some crops thrive . I've had many costly, bad results from the organic method, including but not limited to diseases, and deficiencies, which I have been able to avoid so far with a controlled micro fertilizer method. I take vitamins myself for 20 years now, as recommended and I know they work , so why wouldn't they work on Plants? They do, that is what the Mittleider method is. Vitamins "chemicals" for plants. I still use organic methods but will apply fertilizer because of disease and deficiencies and I have moved onto adding hydroponics to my garden method. It's also nice and smart to get the other side of the story to make an decision for yourself.

  4. While they are able to be gotten the nutrients at a store this would be an awesome system. But my question is can it be converted to compost and manure nutrients if it became an issue to find, such as a shred moment or long term shtf?

  5. I disagreed with most of what he said but he really lost me when his comment when addressing nutrient dense food was that he knew that the onion was completely nutrient-packed because of its flavor. Sorry buddy but a Big Mac can taste pretty good once in awhile but it doesn't mean it's nutritious. Some of us still have logic and Common Sense.

  6. Mittleider method is no different than any other farming. You still have to add nutrients to the soil or medium unless you maintain good soil health. Its been shown that a no till adding organics improves the soil. That's the choice to build the soil and stop soil loss or feed your plant nutrients or fertilizer and not worry about soil loss. But constantly buying stuff cost. The realty is that you can grow in just nutrients. It cost to buy such things. If you don't have soil it makes sense. But if you have soil it would make sense to build your soil so not have to pay for nutrients or fertilizer. Seems over time it would benefit to all to build the soil and try to stop topsoil loss. Buying nutrients and fertilizer cost that cost is passed to consumer when buying food. The extra nutrients lead to extra run off in the water. Totally true. No till tends to stay where placed. Till methods have more run off. Dumping nutrients and fertilizer has more run off of nutrients than organics. This guy sounds as he works for advanced nutrients or miracle grow and want you to believe you need this. And its a better. Truth is we need to stop topsoil loss. Or we all will being buying nutrients and fertilizer. Here is some drugs for your plants. Don't worry about your soil so they can make more money.



  8. This is an amazing video! We hear so much that chemicals are bad, it's good to step back and realize that we're just talking about zinc, copper, iron… actual elements that the world is composed of. And what I LOVED about this video is that it gets to the point and tells you exactly what to do to have successful plants. When I listen to John of Growing Your Greens, it's some great ideas, but he never gives you instructions on how to implement them; and frankly he seems shallow/lazy in his logic, certainly when compared to Jim Kennard/Mittleider.

  9. Can LDSPrepper or anyone that uses the mittleider method please help? I want to use my own soil not sawdust and I'm confused about adding lime. I live in Florida my soil ph is already as high(alkaline) as my meter goes and if I am correct this method(Mittleider) requires me to add lime. Won't this make my soil even more alkaline? Thank-You I really want to get this right

  10. Even though you have a point, just like people that grows with only N-P-K, you give limited source to plants saying they only need that much to grow. Plants have the ability using anything good provided for them. Also, please keep in mind that, all elements exist in plants/nature in organic form, therefore can be used safely with lots of benefits. If they are in non-organic synthetic forms, that's when cause problems to use!!!!

  11. I grow with mushroom compost and put about an inch of compost on my beds once a year in the fall. Each bed has 1-3 different crops grown on it in a years time. I have NEVER burned any of my plants with this method. I know others that grow this way and it never happens to them either. I also watch lots of gardening video's online and it does not happen to them either. I do not doubt that you can grow food with this method but i have no intentions of doing so. Gardening is not about feeding plants it is about feeding the soils. And chemical fertilizers do not feed the soil. I could add more negative comments about this video, but will refrain.

  12. Hi, my current growing space is located 15 feet away from an apartment complex parking lot. Rain water runs off the parking lot into my yard. I have been growing veggies in large troughs for livestock. I would prefer to grow in the ground. I am fearful of the ground dirt being toxic due to rain run off from the parking lot. Do you think the ground is safe to grow vegies in?

  13. Thanks for the clarification! This is a rational, sensible approach, and the results are nothing short of phenomenal! Been there……

  14. Bill Gates in 2021 is trying to get Cows , and Chickens banned. So no more Manure for the so call Organic Gardener!

  15. We need a Mittleider program showing all the nutrients humans need for human health! As he said our Mittleider program is eating the vegitables grown the Mittleider way because we need them in organic form for us to be able to use them.

  16. Agent orange or dioxin is a chemical. Everything in the world is made up of chemicals. Therefore agent orange is good. Got it! 👍 Everything we have learned in the last 150 years is the truth, nevermind the last 10,000 years of agriculture! Got it! 👍 Good for business! Got it. ,💵💵💵💵

  17. It was refreshing to watch a video based on science. I try to use organic homemade compost because it is free, but I realize it is a crapshoot at best. I use organic fertilizer because I can be careless with it and not worry about precise measurements…BUT my dad was a scientist, so when somebody says something like God wouldn't like us changing His soil with chemicals, my eyes roll back in my head. Johnny Carson used to say "Everything on Earth is natural, or else its Supernatural".

  18. BTW, John Kohler lives in a totally different climate from most of us…he has sandy soil, little rain and can plant 12 months of the year. I have lived in many parts of the US and one method does not fit all soil and climate types.

  19. I've been following you for years, I revisit videos to refresh my memory. I trust your methods and have not been disappointed in my own growing as a result. 💕💕💕💕

  20. After years of unsuccessfully having a decent garden . The last 5 year of mittleder garden we have had absolutely beautiful gardens . We plant in sand and sawdust. The easiest gardens we have ever had.

  21. I have yet to see an Organic Periodic Table, showing the same information. I would also like to see which Organic items supply the above essential Nutrients.

  22. If you guys want to see the original video that was hating on Mittleider gardening that they are referencing here on this segment, then search for: 6 reasons why I don't Use the Mittleider Garden Method. The 6 reasons had me alarmed when I first heard them, however, after watching this defense video, I now have peace of mind on the matter. I definitely will be using hydroponics style fertilizer with no doubts of long term issues

  23. простой пример из чего состоит картофель, возьмите одну картофелину, положите ее в банку консервную и поставьте на костер, сожгите до пепла. пепел отнесите в лабораторию и вы увидите , что растение не питается перегноем, навозом и прочей ерундой. оно питается только солями минералов. которые готовят микроорганизмы для этого растения. после зимы много микроорганизмов не выживают или еще спят поэтому добавляют навоз , он полон этими микроорганизмами, но в нем нет почти солей. микроорганизмы при плюсовой температуре начинают работать, перерабатывая субстрат в доступные соли для растений. если концентрация солей превышает допустимую , почва может закиснуть и микроорганизмы начнут погибать.
    чтобы этого не произошло нужно применять удобрительный полив с малой концентрацией удобрений. NPK161616 горсть или 50-100 грамм на 10 литров воды , полив 2 раза в неделю по 200 мл на растение. уже через пару дней у вас растение стане ярко зеленым и быстро расти. можете проверить в лаборатории на нитраты – они будут в норме гарантировано. поливать только утром простой водой , вечером удобрительный

  24. You don't have to use " manure" to grow organic. If the system collapses , I can go get leaf mold, etc , and continue what I'm doing. I will have pretty of natural fertilizer, like farmers did for hundreds of years before me. It's only been recently the world started using chemicals. And why is it you try so hard to convince everyone you are right? If you really were, you would nt need to try so hard.

  25. What isn't being explained about "THE BIG LIE" is that the chemicals are isolated from their natural compounds in a laboratory in the Mittleider method whereas they are bound to those constituents which include buffers and other things to benefit their use by the plants in organic gardening.

    It is like eating real food or fake food. The real organic method is created by Nature and recognized and usable and SAFE in the greater scheme of things. The man-made method where the chemicals are deconstructed in a laboratory will only stimulate and later enervate. Since every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Why try and re-invent the wheel when Nature has already done a perfect job? Man can't improve on Nature without botching it up in the long run. Look at the disaster of mono-crop farming. Planting acres and acres of the same thing makes it easy for the pests to find where the food is. So pest control is required. Nature doesn't mono-crop farm. Rather, Nature intersperses food crops to make it harder for the pests and IT WORKS!

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