Garden Plans

The Ontario Gardener – 2012 Garden Plans

I have been unofficially tagged in the “2012 Garden Plan” video chain. This is my response video to those people, as well as everyone else that is interested in what my plans are for 2012.

Check out Allen2045, mhpgardener, and Helioforge. They are the ones that tagged me for this.

I am tagging ANYONE out there who follows me, who hasn’t been tagged and wants to make a 2012 Garden Plan video. Have fun with it! I look forward to getting some responses.


  1. You have a lot of work in front of you. Strawberries – the single best bit of advice I was given was to pull the flowers and runners off in the first year to get strength into the plants. I only have 10 plants and pulled off about 12-15 flowers in total last year. This year I got about 100 strawberries a week for 6 weeks from the 10 plants, some were as big as small apples. I have videos about it if you want to see some of the hauls.
    Best Wishes, Brendan.

  2. @mhpgardener Just Monday and Tuesdays?? Guess I need to plant more then!?!?

    I have a small white board, but it isn't big enough to draw out what I want to do. lol.

  3. @TheBluecharm22 I am in 4B as well, down here in Ontario. I am in a snow belt area, so it gets a bit colder than other areas around here. I can plant everything by the end of May, and harvest into October… or until frost.

  4. @jwalk1014 Hey, if I try and fail, I can say I at least tried.. ya know. I think things should go ok, depending on what projects need to get done around the farm this summer.

  5. @baconsoda I am hoping that the fruit plants do well, and I can add a few hundred more next year. I am looking forward to them!

  6. @TheOntarioGardener oh! haha Since I figured it is Canada and it snows a lot. 🙂 and nice video!

  7. Sounds like some great ideas…..Bobby is going to have to lend you his front end loader to harvest…..Really looking forward to seeing it all grows…..Thanks for sharing your plans…..Tim

  8. @timjturner Thanks Tim. However, I got a loader on my tractor, so I think I am covered with that! However, some luck and some magic fertilizer wouldn't be bad though! lol.

  9. Enjoy your videos. I have a large family garden that I try to grow what they want and will eat. Some produce goes on the roadside stand or to the senior citizen center.This summer the hobby greenhouse will be built.

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