Gardening Supplies

What is the Lasagna Gardening Method?

Learn the lazy man’s way to prepare a great garden bed. No tilling, no digging, all you need is time, table scraps, and yard waste. Lasagna gardening or sheet mulching is a slow, cool, compost method.

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  1. Or you can put your pigs into that area for a week or two and they'll till it into a nice, rich loam, fertilizing as they go.

    …that is, if you have pigs…

  2. I've started three lasagna beds. It's best to start by soaking the newspaper layer. Then a layer of bagged topsoil. Layer of grass clippings. Layer of compost. Another layer of grass, Layer of dried leaves saved from bagging in the fall. More compost, layer of peat. I top it off with a layer of topsoil. You can plant in the bed right away or let it cure first.

  3. Basically you alternate dry and wet vegetative layers. There's a good book that covers it well Lasagna Gardening by Patricia Lanza.

  4. I went to a seminar recently by Patricia Lanza, the author of Lasanga Gardening. You basically have to keep in mind to use 1 part green and 4 parts brown in your organic material. I was very impressed and do plan on trying it.

  5. After each summer or winter season. I take my old plants like the leaves and stems, chop them up and throw it back over the bed. Then I add more compost on top, so the old plants become extra compost and attract worms.

  6. I LOVE these videos. So helpful!!! Perfect for those of us with short attention spans, quick and thorough. (plus I love how you say "from my chicken" lol )

  7. She says to build it up to 18"-36" deep, and then she proceeds to build a 4" deep bed.

    18"-36" is between knee and waist deep….. that would likely be tons of material for a small bed. Sounds great, but it will require a lot of prep work. Someday I will give it a try.

  8. Everybody would love to follow this very simple gardening approach. Lasagna gardening sounds really great for it requires no tilling and no digging process at all. I guess this gardening has a minimal maintenance. I would really love to create my own the soonest.

  9. great way to make a great garden bed but just pulling out blackberries does work too well , they will usually come back with a vengeance then its really hard to get rid of them. 

  10. I have learned various growing tricks through watching this video. There are several gardening process that really taught me a lot and I guess it would be of great help to every beginners in gardening. Two thumbs for this post! 

  11. If I am gonna do all that I might as well just dig,., seems like a lot of work and a good place for snakes to bed.

  12. I was very amazed how easy this Lasagna Gardening is! Apparently, this organic technique in doing a garden bed is really good and for sure this will ensure that the vegetable will grow healthy and more productive. I just want to know how long it will take to have a perfect compost for a garden bed like this? I appreciate your great efforts in sharing this with us. Thank You!

  13. is it possible to make a lasagna garden with food scraps vegetables and fruits) in an apartment? Im thinking that there wont be enough bacterial activity to decompose properly all the scraps.?
    Best regards

  14. Hi I am starting brand new vege garden, and have three 2400x1500x300 raised beds and a 3000×2000 poly-tunnel.. I am bringing in 50/50 screened topsoil and spent mushroom/bark mix compost to start and have placed cardboard on the grass. On one "experimental' bed I have placed rotted tree branches from the bush as a base with autumn leaves and coffee grounds. Not really hugelculture but I figure it can't harm. I have constant weekly free supply of shop coffee grounds. Can I blend this with the soil without composting first? I also have 2 CuM of wood chip which is weathered and will spread this on top of cardboard around the beds. Ultimately the back yard will become like a 'bush floor' instead of grassed as it is now. Do you also use the wood chip as a mulch on the beds? Can you let me know if these ratios are OK to start my new vege beds please.

  15. Soybean meal (plain crushed soybeans) would be a lot cheaper in a 50-100 lb bag from a feed company. In a little box like you show, soy meal would be much more expensive. Just saying.

  16. I enjoy watching everyone’s different ways of making a no dig bed. My favorite way so far is Morgan Gambles way of doing a no dig bed. Ahe has a video on YouTube. She basically does the process in reverse, and her reasoning for that really resonates with me. Thank you for sharing your no dig method with us. Happy gardening.

  17. Hello GrowOrganic Peaceful Valley! My back garden is filled with dead, compact clay soil (estate developer made it that way); can I use the Lasagna gardening method on top of the clay soil, and basically revive it and improve the soil quality? Thank you!

  18. Dis BBC organic ..damn you fine white girl ..I'd re plumb yo guys wid dis BBC ..I know yo husband ain't hitting it right ..I like it when hubby share dey wife wid me

  19. Oh no! Do not use newspapers !!! The printer's ink is full of toxins and shear metals. It's not organic! It is better to use plain cardboard without printing.

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