
How to reclaim a weedy garden | The Impatient Gardener

Sometimes the weeds beat you to your own garden and the situation seems hopeless. But don’t despair! It happens to all gardeners, and it happened to me this year, while I was busy doing other things in the garden. Here’s how I tackle a really weedy part of the garden and save plants from being smothered by weeds.

It’s not perfect but if you can just do a little bit your garden will live to fight another day!

(And here’s yet another video showing the ugly bits of my garden; real life isn’t always pretty!)

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  1. I have an area that we have been working on too. When you first look at it it is very overwhelming but it's just a matter of one weed at a time. Then when you finish it is such a good feeling. Thanks for the push to keep going at it.❤️😊❤️

  2. Haha! Looks familiar. Depending on the weeds and if they have gone to seed I sometimes just leave in the lawn and run over them with the mower. That's my lazy confession.

  3. i literally just did this today w/ a large bed. although daunting it feels good when you make progress. just subscribed today!

  4. I just discovered your channel. I'm from Oregon. I came upon your Hydrangea video and i'm hooked. I couldn't help but notice your beautiful ferns mixed in , i just love the look they give a garden. Nice to know i'm not alone in the battle of the weed!

  5. I battle the weeds, like you. I did a bed and placed cardboard down, then mulch on top . I got a year plus with no weeds and when they did start to grow back, they were so easy to pull out. I'm trying to do this with each bed but I'm older and slower. Cardboard can be a bit unwieldy and it takes time to pull off all the plastic tape. I'm trying the construction paper painters use to protect floors when they paint. I cut it up in the house and lay it down as I mulch, sometimes throwing topsoil on it before mulching to cover it more fully.

  6. I notice you mentioned the astringent quality of the jewelweed you had pulled. Also the chickweed you mentioned has healing properties. Even though they're weeds there always seems to be an upside 🙂 It's hard work pulling them. I get the jewelweeds which are brought in by the critters that visit at night.
    I'm struggling for almost 10 years with poison ivy in one garden bed that came in with a gift plant from a friend. It's been a nightmare and I can't seem to get rid of it.

  7. This is so encouraging! We moved into a house that once had beautiful landscaping but had not been maintained.

  8. That’s a whole lots of work, my back hurts just thinking about that amount of weeding.
    Hate weeding but in the end the garden looks real work. I’m at the point now removing plants that get carried away 😫

  9. I just spent all day pulling jewelweed out of a raspberry patch and in my garden borders….good thing they're easy to pull out. Now I'm going to put down layers of wet newspaper and cover with mulch….will last at least a couple years.

  10. God Bless your gardening heart. I'm impressed! Saving the garden one foot ay a time. 🙂

  11. Weather Forecaster: The only profession where you can be consistently wrong and still keep your job.

  12. I just discovered your channel and this video was right on time for me! Thanks for showing the “not so pretty” part of your garden (which is beautiful btw)…it’s an inspiration for me to get weeding!

  13. I too was guilty of allowing the weeds to take over. I've spent this whole summer reclaiming, redoing, expanding my beds. They are beautiful, for now.

  14. This was useless. I have a flower bed that IS in a terrible state and I was counting on your video delivering what the title said. Go pull out what you can is something I already knew and am unwilling to do. If I was it wouldn't be in this state. I am ripping up the whole flower bed. putting down poison then decorative rocks.

  15. I loved this! Your beds are beautifully planted plus the weed part is such a reality it is great to see how you deal with it. Plus I loved the storm sound!❤

  16. just found you and loved your channel!! i needed to think garden and focus on something wonderful. I'll enjoy going through your videos!!

  17. This vid makes me feel better. That I’m not the only one battling my landscaping that I haven’t had time to address . It’s like so overwhelming but your right just start and keep going.

  18. I have nearly the same problem at the backyard of our purchased property. Unfortunately this simple method doesn`t work effectively. I have spent a lot of time and physical effort to take them away using a garden fork to get the soil loose. However, after a couple of rains in about a few weeks – the land is full of weeds again and they`re growing too fast. In a month they could be over 1 metre tall… The problem is- we can`t see what is underneath. But there is a full "roots cities" there. We can do nothing until destroy it. It needs to be dug and all the root system must be removed and destroyed. And would be better to cut all the top soil level and tip it, because there are plenty of capillary style roots which will be growing ones we have them left in a soil… It`s a serious fighting. Not just a one action unfortunately… Or, an appropriate chemicals might be used for weeds controlling…

  19. I know this video Is a year old, but today is day I needed it. Thanks for the pep talk. I going out to rough weed the tear drop bed. Isn’t is funny what we call out flower beds?

  20. Weeding is my garden nemesis. Why can't my flowers and vegetables thrive as well as the weeds? =D

  21. I'm being Lazy using the tractor. Says the Lady who just spent 3 to 4 hours hand pulling weeds. 😂😂😂. My Iris bed is full of Crabgrass. I pulled most of it out yesterday but some won't pull, don't know if it is wrapped around the rhizomes or what. I think I am going to pull up the rhizomes after they bloom, kill the grass and replant.

  22. I don't have quite as many bends as you. I am 74 and find it hard to keep up. Even with mulch, the weeds growing the mulch.

  23. Thank you for sharing this, glad to see it happens to most any garden. You had a big job but its looking good!

  24. oh my gosh, you are amazing! i would be so overwhelmed if i had to pull weeds from some huge flower beds. the hosta beds look beautiful. i have no shade in my garden so i can't have any of the lovely hostas. nice work!

  25. Thank you so much! You motivated me to just get started by hand on the overgrown weed bed in my garden (not perhaps correct to even call it a flower bed at this stage!) And got a good half hour in with my 7 year old before the heavens opened. Can definitely see the difference even with such a short time, and unhelpful assistant! How would you deal with overgrown brambles with massive spikes? They are taking over the back 6ft of my garden and I don't know how to even start tackling them.

  26. Lately I've been just bending weeds down, smashing em down & covering with cardboard and laying on high quality screened soil and then mulch (both I get from my local gravel company) – weed free for quite a while afterward. I go right around the perennials.
    Warmest regards

  27. Thanks for the encouragement! I have a mess and I am procrastinating because I can’t do all of it at once. I also have bindweed which takes so much effort to fight. I feel a bit motivated now:)

  28. Does anyone know what the name of the plant is at the 4:35 minute mark below the hosta and to the left of what reminds me of Solomons Seal? The mystery plant in question has a fern/palm feel to it. Would like to learn its name and see if I might be able to incorporate it into my own garden.

    With regard to the weedy garden itself. Sorry to say, but this is so nice to see and hear! I have focused my energy on one area of my garden and while I wasn't looking the weeds have over run another area. The one thing about gardening, boredom doesn't exist. Their is 'always' something to be done and the mind is ever expanding and 'updating' your flower beds!

  29. Facing something very similiar in my own beds – we have had so much rain and with work schedules the weeds have literally taken over . It’s not raining now so I’m inspired . Thank you for being real
    & always sharing the good, the bad and even the ugly

  30. Jewelweed seeds are amusing. I remember as a little kid going around and poking them to watch them pop.

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